Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2893 Tianbao Liuli Pavilion (1)

"Guest officer, here are the tea and snacks you asked for, please use them slowly!"

The waiter put the teapot and a few plates on the table, nodded to Huang Yueli, and was about to leave.

Huang Yueli hurriedly stopped him, "Wait! This little brother, can I ask you a few questions?"

While talking, she took out a few mid-grade crystal jades from the interspatial ring and handed them to the waiter.

The waiter at the shop originally saw that she was an ascendant from the lower realms, so he was not very willing to talk to her, but when he saw her being so good, he took the initiative to give a tip, and immediately smiled.

"Guest officer, what do you want to know? Just ask! Don't look at my cultivation level is not high, but I was born and raised in Shenghuangzhou, there are not many things about Shenghuangzhou that I don't know!"

Huang Yueli nodded, "That's good! Let me ask you, how many teleportation arrays are there in Shenghuang Continent? Which continents do they lead to? If I want to go to Yunlin Continent, how do I get there?"

When the waiter heard this, he immediately became very nervous. He turned his head to look around, and after confirming that there was no one around, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I said, guest officer, you came from the lower realm. No wonder you don't know. You can't talk nonsense! Our Holy Phoenix Continent is the territory of the Holy Phoenix Clan, and the Holy Phoenix Clan has always been at odds with the Yunlin Clan. , if you mention the Yunlin clan here, if someone else hears it, you might cause a lot of trouble! Besides, you, a lower realm ascendant, don’t look like an ancient god clan? Why are you running so far? Could it be Do you want to take refuge in a big power?"

Huang Yueli blinked, seeing the waiter's nervous look, she was also speechless for a while.

Unexpectedly, in the territory of the Holy Phoenix Clan, even the name of the Yunlin Clan cannot be mentioned!

Wouldn't it be the same with the Yunlin clan?

Then after she arrived in Yunlinzhou, she had to hide her background, otherwise she would be in trouble...

She thought about it in her heart, but she showed a taught expression on her face, "So that's it, thank you for your advice! Actually, I don't have to go to join Yun... what kind of clan, I just heard about them in the lower realm , I just want to go and have a look...Speaking of which, for a fighter from the lower realm like me, I have no status or status, and my strength is mediocre, so it would be very difficult for me to seek refuge with a big force, right?"

The waiter looked her up and down, rubbed her chin, "Speaking of which, you don't seem to be very old, and you must be much more talented than me if you can ascend to the God Realm! Why don't you just find a place to stay in the Holy Phoenix Continent? It is of course useless to join the Holy Phoenix Clan, but there are still many second-rate and third-rate forces in the Holy Phoenix Continent, and the resources they have are also very impressive, which is beyond your dreams in the lower realms!"

In order to hide her identity, Huang Yueli purposely dressed herself up as a senior, and even stuck two mustaches on her face.

Now she looks like a thin, handsome man in her thirties.

In addition, she deliberately suppressed her cultivation to the level that she had just broken through the tenth level. To ordinary warriors with ordinary eyesight, he was a human warrior with human talent.

Among the Ascendants from the Nether Realm, they are considered talented, but they are not too conspicuous.

After listening to Xiao Er's words, Huang Yueli nodded again and again, "I think so too! However, I just arrived in the God Realm, and I also want to travel around first, and then consider taking refuge in a certain force after I understand the situation, so please Brother, tell me the situation of the teleportation array in the city..."

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