Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2896 Tianbao Liuli Pavilion (4)

Huang Yueli frowned slightly, feeling displeased.

In Tianling Continent, no one dared to talk to her like that.

But now in the God Realm, she has to hide her identity, and she has to keep a low profile as the top priority in everything, so she can only bear it.

Huang Yueli took out two middle-grade crystal jades and put them on the table.

"Are you going to tell me how to get to Tianbao Liuli Pavilion? If you don't want to talk, I'll ask someone else! There must be a lot of people who want to come here to know!"

More than a few!

Except for a newcomer like Huang Yueli, who would not know how to get to such an important landmark?

As soon as the waiter saw Jingyu, his eyes straightened, and he quickly smiled and said, "Guest officer, why are you so impatient? I didn't say I don't know! That day, there were branches of Baoliuli Pavilion in larger city-states. We There is also one in Huofang City, just to the southeast, you just walk along this street to the end..."

After Huang Yueli heard it, she casually threw the two mid-grade crystal jades to the waiter, turned around and left.

The waiter touched the crystal jade in his hand, looked at Huang Yueli's back, and couldn't help but sneer with disdain.

"These ascenders from the lower realms are so funny! Do you really think that you can become a spiritual weapon master in our God Realm after forging a few tattered profound weapons in the lower realms? How dare you ask how to get to the Tianbao Liuli Pavilion? It's really embarrassing." Measure your strength! How dare you show me face?"

"That's all, go if you want! There is no one in Tianbao Liuli Pavilion who is good. Seeing this kind of self-righteous idiot will definitely give him a good look! At that time, he will have no time to cry! Anyway, it's none of my business." thing!"

The waiter put away Jingyu, hummed a little song and went back to the teahouse.

And Huang Yueli followed the instructions of Xiaoer Dian, walked along the street, and saw a particularly eye-catching building not long after.

Sure enough, just like what the waiter said, anyone who is far away can easily recognize them.

There was no guard at the gate of Tianbao Liuli Pavilion, but no one broke in without authorization.

Huang Yueli has done some research on the formations of the God Realm, and knows that it is because of the special formations arranged at the entrance. If she doesn't know who is inside, she won't even be able to tell which way the gate is opening. Around the entire Tianbao Liuli Pavilion, you can only see walls on all sides.

Huang Yueli stood on the side observing for a while, and already understood how to get in.

She took a step, just about to walk over.

Suddenly, I heard a rush of horseshoes coming from behind, and a loud shout: "Get out of the way, get out of the way! Get out of the way! There is a distinguished spiritual weapon master going to the Tianbao Liuli Pavilion. Why don't you get out of the way?"

Immediately afterwards, a carriage galloped past the street!

The visitor spoke very rudely, but none of the passers-by on the road expressed dissatisfaction, and they all hurriedly avoided the side.

The one sitting in the car is a Spirit Artifact Master!

Even if it's just a junior spirit weapon master, it's something ordinary people can't afford to offend!

The carriage stopped right in front of Tianbao Liuli Pavilion, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a young woman slowly stepped out of the carriage.

She wore a hat on her head, and a long veil hung from the brim of the hat, covering the upper half of her face, making it difficult to see clearly, but with her pointed chin and snow-white skin, as well as that From the slender silhouette, it can be seen that this is definitely a very seductive beauty.

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