Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2897 Tianbao Liuli Pavilion (5)

There was a burst of admiration from the crowd of onlookers.

As a distinguished spiritual weapon master, it is rare to see such a beautiful female spiritual weapon master in a place like Huofang City.

The female spiritual weapon master strode directly into the Tianbao Liuli Pavilion without turning her head.

Huang Yueli followed closely behind and entered the gate.

The interior of the Tianbao Liuli Pavilion is very gorgeously decorated, with various large and small organ formations all over it, setting off the entire building in splendor.

When she walked in, the female spiritual weapon master had already taken off the veiled hat she was wearing on her head, revealing her entire face. As expected, she was indeed a beautiful woman.

At this moment, all the people in the hall became excited and surrounded her one after another, courting her desperately.

"Miss, are you a Spirit Artifact Master? An outstanding person like you visited our Tianbao Liuli Pavilion in Huofang City, which made us flourish!"

"Miss, did you come to Tianbao Liuli Pavilion to find materials for refining weapons, or do you have any unsolved problems? You can just find me! I am still a little famous among the spirit weapon masters in Huofang City. No one knows the situation here better than me!"

"Go away! I am the most outstanding spirit weapon master in Huofang City..."

In order to compete for the beauty's attention, some young spiritual weapon masters almost started fighting!

The beauty raised her hand, revealing a badge on her hand.

Seeing the appearance of the badge, the reiki masters, who were originally extremely noisy, suddenly became dumb and could not speak.

Because, the badge that the beauty took out is actually the status symbol of a senior spirit weapon master!

Her refining level is actually higher than that of many male spirit weapon masters present! They were actually brazenly trying to solve her problems just now...

The beauty stunned everyone without saying a word.

After the crowd was silent for a while, they surrounded her like stars and the moon, and praised her in every way.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Huang Yueli.

She glanced at the beauty before averting her gaze.

No one was paying attention to her now, so she took the opportunity to walk around inside the Tianbao Liuli Pavilion.

The hall closest to the gate should be a reception place. Although there are not many people coming in and out, everyone looks luxuriously dressed, looks arrogant, and wears a special badge on their bodies. They are probably members of Tianbao Liuli Pavilion.

There are several doors at the back of the hall, some of which are closed tightly, and it is impossible to see what is behind them.

There are two doors that are open, one is full of various large and small refining furnaces and refining materials, and the other is full of books, like a library.

Huang Yueli thought for a while, and was about to enter the library, when suddenly, someone stopped her from behind.

"Wait! That kid over there!"

Huang Yueli was startled and turned around.

Among the spirit weapon masters wandering around the beauty, for some reason, one of them noticed Huang Yueli's existence, immediately walked over and asked loudly.

"Who are you? How did you get in? Do you know where Tianbao Liuli Pavilion is? How dare you run around here?"

Huang Yueli was not nervous at all, and replied neither humble nor overbearing: "I just came in through the gate? Why? Is there any problem? The gate of your Tianbao Liuli Pavilion doesn't say that no one is allowed to enter, right?"

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