Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2945 It's not good, let's fight! (3)

"Also, there is this dagger, which has such a high lethality! This kid is so young, and he has such a high level of accomplishment in refining weapons. In a few years, this old man will not be able to compare to him!"

"Tsk tsk, even the armor is refined so well, this pair of wrist guards are the best among low-level spiritual weapons..."

While watching, Master Xiao sighed, feeling regretful in his heart.

If he had known that Huang Yueli had so many other spirit weapons, he would have asked Huang Yueli to sell them all to him!

Master Xiao thought that Huang Yueli had only these three pieces on him, and he had already seen them all, so he gave the opportunity to buy the spirit weapon to President Gao.

Now, he regrets...

"Old Gao, look, the two of us have been friends for so many years. When we were young, we even participated in auctions together..." Master Xiao said abruptly.

President Gao was taken aback, "Uh... this..."

Isn't Master Xiao looking at the spiritual weapon, and is he engrossed in it? Why all of a sudden, I started to recall the past?

"Since everyone has such a good relationship, if you have good things, you should share them together, right? Lao Gao, you can resell these spiritual artifacts to me! I will pay double the price, 500,000 pieces, you see how?"

After hearing this, President Gao realized it. He turned his head and saw that Master Xiao was holding a few spiritual weapons tightly in his hands, and was about to take them away immediately with a nod of his head.

" can't! This is from the Liuli Pavilion of Tianbao in our Huofang City! Don't sell it! Don't sell it!"

President Gao hurriedly rushed over, trying to snatch the spirit weapon back.

Master Xiao held the spiritual weapon, dodged left and right, and kept persuading: "Old Gao, you can't be so stingy! It's just a few low-level spiritual weapons. You can have as many things as you want. Do you want to argue with me? Is it because I don’t pay?”

"It's just a few low-level spiritual weapons! Then don't snatch them from me!" President Gao shouted dissatisfied.

The two Tianbao Grandmasters, whose combined age was almost a thousand years old, wrestled together over a few low-level spiritual weapons.

Although the two of them have high or low levels of refining weapons, their cultivation in martial arts is almost the same. They are both in the middle stage of the Mind Profound Realm, and both of them have almost zero actual combat experience.

Therefore, the two are fighting each other, but they are evenly matched, and neither can win the other.

The spirit weapon masters and maids passing by were all stunned by the scene before them at first, and no one thought of fighting.

A few drops of cold sweat slid down Huang Yueli's forehead, so she had no choice but to step forward and separate the two of them.

"Okay, okay, two seniors, it's just a few spiritual weapons, don't hurt your peace because of these little things! Master Xiao, you want it so much, why didn't you say it earlier? I can stay here for a few days , and refine a few more for you!"

Master Xiao originally had an angry face, and several beards were ripped off during the fight.

Hearing this, he immediately turned his anger into joy, "Really? Mr. Li, are you really willing to refine a few more spiritual weapons for this old man?"

Huang Yueli nodded, and said with a smile, "I'm short of money! How could I miss the opportunity to make money right at my door?"

The point is that she has already figured out the refining methods of these spirit weapons, so the refining speed will only be faster than before.

The so-called first-time birth and second-time acquaintance, it doesn't take much trouble at all, and it won't take her too much time.

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