Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2946 No one alive, no dead body (1)

For Master Xiao, Huang Yueli stayed in the Tianbao Liuli Pavilion for a few more days, refining various standard spirit weapons for him.


The center of Shenghuangzhou, Lingyue Peak.

In the main hall and palace where people usually come and go, it was unusually quiet today.

The maid holding the tea tray in her hand walked lightly, for fear of making any noise and irritating the furious patriarch in the main hall.

"The bastards of the Yunlin Clan are simply too deceitful! Even the god-level geniuses of our Holy Phoenix Clan dare to move! In their eyes, do the twelve God Clans still have a peace agreement to fight against the Demon Clan? Blatantly killing other God Clans, this Do you want to be the public enemy of all the gods? Do you really think that there is no one in our holy phoenix clan, and if we are bullied to this extent, we will swallow this bad breath?"

The Patriarch of the Holy Phoenix Clan, Huang Tianhao, slapped the table hard, and the powerful black force split the entire table in half, and all the teapots and porcelain cups on the table fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

Even so, he still felt uneasy at all, pacing back and forth in the main hall irritably.

Not only Huang Tianhao, but everyone in the main hall also looked angry.

Some impulsive ones even pulled out the long swords around their waists. If someone hadn't stopped them, they would have rushed out to seek revenge from the Yunlin tribe!

Huang Sanbai lowered his head and stood in front of Huang Tianhao.

With a face full of guilt, he said in a trembling voice: "Master Patriarch, it's this old man... I owe the great trust of all the clansmen, I am ashamed of the Holy Phoenix Clan! If I could have detected the conspiracy of the Yunlin Clan in time, The first time she saw the Yunlin clan appearing, she stood in front of Li girl, then she probably wouldn't fall off Qingluan, and wouldn't disappear..."

His voice was choked with sobs, as if he was about to cry out of grief.

Huang Sanbai was originally the oldest elder of the Holy Phoenix Clan. Before returning to Lingyue Peak, he made full preparations and messed up his hair and clothes, looking extremely miserable.

His acting was so realistic, everyone couldn't help feeling sympathetic when seeing him in such a state of desperation, and pleaded with Huang Tianhao for him.

"Master Patriarch, this matter cannot be entirely blamed on Elder Sanbai! They are all members of the Yunlin clan are too despicable and shameless! Who would have thought that they would attack our god-level genius!"

"Isn't it? This must be intentional! They are here for god-level geniuses!"

"It can be prevented for a while, but it cannot be prevented forever, Elder Sanbai, don't feel too guilty."

"There is an injustice and a debtor, let's go to the Yunlin clan to settle the score!"

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and their hearts were extremely angry.

Ling Yuefeng's direct lineage of the Holy Phoenix Clan has been looking forward to the arrival of a god-level genius.

Two months ago, Huang Sanbai had also sent a letter to Ling Yuefeng, saying that he had received a god-level genius, and that the other party's talent was really outstanding, indeed at the god-level level.

When the news came out, the entire Holy Phoenix Clan was elated, and everyone in the know was overjoyed.

At first, I was worried that the signal from the lower realm was wrong, but now that the god-level genius really appeared, it gave everyone a reassurance!

Huang Tianhao had even given orders to arrange a residence and training resources for Huang Yueli, preparing to properly train the only god-level genius.

Unexpectedly, time passed day by day, everyone waited and waited, but they still didn't wait for the god-level genius to appear.

Even Huang Sanbai, who was sent to pick him up, also disappeared.

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