Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2947 No one is alive, no corpse is dead (2)

Huang Tianhao sent several groups of people out, but they couldn't find anyone.

Until today, Huang Sanbai rushed back to Lingyue Peak with a few clansmen with a dusty face.

As soon as he saw Huang Tianhao, Huang Sanbai fell to his knees and burst into tears.

When Huang Tianhao saw him like this, his heart skipped a beat immediately, and he hurriedly asked.

Huang Sanbai rubbed the corners of his eyes, and said: "Lord patriarch, this old man is guilty, and this old man is ashamed of his clansmen! I received a god-level genius two months ago. She is very talented and polite. Everyone I'm very happy. The old man took her with him on the third day, sitting in Qingluan, wanting to return to Lingyue Peak as soon as possible. Who knows... who knows..."

He sobbed a few times when he said this, as if he was too sad and couldn't continue.

Huang Tianhao was so anxious that he couldn't help stomping his feet and said, "How do you know? What's going on? Tell me quickly!"

Huang Sanbai rubbed the corners of his eyes, wiped away the non-existing "tears", and said in a low voice: "How do you know, just after we left the Sea of ​​Tongyou, we bumped into people from the Yunlin clan, they recognized me, and they couldn't help but tell me They attacked me and girl Li! I didn't expect them to attack at all, and when I realized it, it was already too late..."

"The Qingluan we were riding was killed instantly, and Li girl fell directly from mid-air..."

"The old man also fell to the ground and passed out. When I woke up and hurried to find someone, Li girl had disappeared."

When Huang Tianhao heard this, his face was full of shock, as if struck by lightning!

He shook his head in a trance, and muttered to himself: "Impossible! This is impossible! How could this happen! Then...that Huang Yueli...she..." Speaking of this, Huang Tianhao suddenly remembered What, excitedly stepped forward and grabbed Huang Sanbai's collar, "Huang Yueli fell from mid-air, but that doesn't mean she's really passed away! Where did she go? Didn't you even look for her?"

Huang Sanbai heard the words, smiled wryly and said: "Master Patriarch, how could this old man not look for someone? The reason why I didn't come back until now is because I have been looking for someone near the place where the incident happened! Days and nights, however, still failed to find the person..."

"Later, the old man joined up with the young people who went to the Sea of ​​Netherness together, and mobilized all their power to search in the surrounding towns, but there was still no clue..."

Huang Tianhao's eyes widened, "Live to see people, die to see corpses, how could a living person just disappear like this?"

A cold light flashed in Huang Sanbai's eyes, but that gloomy look was only for a short moment, and no one noticed.

"Li girl will lose her trace. There are two possibilities. One is that she was not seriously injured and got up to run for her life, but lost her way. The other possibility... is that she was taken away by people from the Yunlin clan!"

Huang Sanbai didn't continue to speak, but the meaning in the words was already very clear.

If Huang Yueli just lost her way, how could she not find anyone under such a large-scale search by the Holy Phoenix Clan?

Therefore, it is said that there are two possibilities, but in fact, there is only one left.

Huang Tianhao's whole body trembled, he already had a similar guess in his heart, but he couldn't believe it!

He clenched his fists, trying to calm himself down.

"Elder Sanbai, are you sure you can clearly see who attacked you?"

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