Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2956 Who suffers more? (6)

However, Huang Yueli was completely unmoved.

She shook her head and said, "No, Master Xiao, I'm in a hurry, so let's finish refining as soon as possible! Today, I have to finish at least ten spirit weapons, so I only need to spend another day tomorrow to refine the remaining ten pieces." , my task is complete."

Hearing this, even Master Xiao, who had always been calm, became distorted.

Refining ten spirit weapons in one day, and two consecutive days of refining!

Who does this kid think he is?

Even if he is very proficient in refining spirit weapons and very fast, but does he know how much profound energy it takes to refine ten spirit weapons?

Not to mention that he is only a tenth-level martial artist, even if his cultivation reaches the late stage of the Yixuan Realm, he may not be able to sustain it!

Master Xiao naturally could not have imagined that Huang Yueli's real cultivation was not in the tenth level realm, but in the middle stage of the Yixuan realm.

Moreover, Huang Yueli is a true warrior, she has undergone extremely rigorous training, and her endurance is not comparable to these pampered spirit weapon masters.

Master Xiao was worried, but seeing Huang Yueli starting to light the fire again, he didn't interrupt her, but turned to look at President Gao.

"Old Gao, shall we make a bet?"

President Gao saw that Master Xiao was smiling very strangely, he looked like a fox, and the alarm bells rang in his heart.

"Bet? What kind of bet are you betting on? No betting!" Master Xiao has always been a master who doesn't lose money, and President Gao will not be so stupid as to take advantage of it casually.

Master Xiao calmly raised the armor in his hand and said, "Are you sure you don't want to bet? I'm going to test the defense of this armor. If it's not as strong as yours, your twenty pieces I will pay for the spirit weapon! If mine is stronger..."

"Then I'll help you pay for the 20 spirit artifacts!" President Gao hurriedly interjected, and shouted, "I bet! I bet!"

These spirit weapons that Huang Yueli sold to him were worth a lot, 250,000 pieces each, and a total of 5 million high-grade crystal jades!

You can buy an intermediate treasure.

For President Gao, this is also a considerable expense.

Although he doesn't care about the money, it is of course best if someone pays the bill. How can he miss this opportunity?

In President Gao's opinion, Master Xiao must have lost his mind to make such a bet!

Will this second spiritual weapon be more powerful than the previous armor?

Unless the sun came out from the west, such outrageous things would happen!

Master Xiao secretly hooked the corner of his mouth, knowing that Lao Gao would take the bait!

The two have known each other for so many years, and he has suffered so many losses, yet he still hasn't learned how to behave, alas...

Master Xiao didn't say much, and walked directly to the side of the tester, and put the armor on.

But in just a few moments, the result came out.

"This piece of armor has 6.50% higher defense than the same type of standard armor! But the one in your hand is only 60% higher. So, it seems that the one I got is more powerful ..." Master Xiao smiled slightly, spoke slowly, and cupped his hands towards President Gao, "Old Gao, I have accepted! You are too kind, insisting on giving me five million top-grade crystal jade, I'm so disrespectful..."

President Gao's eyes turned green when he saw such a result, and he shouted in disbelief, "Impossible! This is impossible!"

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