Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2957 Too despicable and shameless (1)

"How could such a thing happen? You must have tampered with the tester!" President Gao said unwillingly.

At the same time, he rushed to the side of the tester in one stride, and really started to check around.

"What tricks are you playing? You have known my old brother for so many years. It is too unkind for you to blackmail me like this!"

Master Xiao had a helpless expression on his face, "Old Gao, look, do I look like this kind of person? Although I usually like to make jokes with others, but when testing spiritual weapons, I am not Can't do it!"

President Gao was so angry that he lost his mind before, but now he has calmed down a bit, and after thinking about it, it really is so.

As one of the top Tianbao Grandmasters in the God Realm, Master Xiao respected his profession very much.

He may lie about other things, but it is impossible for him to talk nonsense about the spiritual weapon.

However, if Master Xiao did not cheat, wouldn't that mean...

President Gao's eyes widened, looking at the armor in Master Xiao's hands, and the long sword he had placed beside him too late to make room for it, green light gradually appeared in his eyes.

"So... So, these spirit weapons are really... really better than the ones refined before??"

Master Xiao nodded with a serious expression, "That's right!"

"But, this... is this unreasonable? It took less than half an hour for Mr. Li to refine a spiritual weapon. In terms of his cultivation and experience, this is already the limit of the limit. You also have to take into account the quality of the spirit weapon? How did you do that? Besides, shouldn’t the spirit weapon he brought for you to review be at his highest level?"

Chairman Gao frowned, unable to understand no matter how he thought about it.

Master Xiao had a thoughtful expression on his face, "Actually, the old man understands what's going on..."

"What's going on?" President Gao asked impatiently.

Master Xiao said: "It should be said that the spirit weapon that Mr. Li took out during my speech is already his best work. It's just that he has improved again now!"

"Progress?? What are you kidding?" President Gao looked confused, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "It's just one night, and his spirit weapon skill level is so high Progress? Don't look at the power of these spirit weapons is only increased by half, on the basis of the limit, and then increase by half, this is a difficult thing! He has no reason, how can... step..."

Speaking of this, President Gao suddenly thought of something, his voice stopped abruptly, and he looked at Master Xiao in disbelief.

Master Xiao sighed slightly, nodded and said: "It should be as I thought. When I was discussing with Mr. Li just now, I corrected some mistakes he made, and also told him my own understanding of the spirit weapon technique. Li The young master probably listened to my words and immediately made improvements in practice."

President Gao was tongue-tied, "But...but this is even more outrageous! The skills you just told him will take a long time to practice, let alone actually use them in refining weapons. ! If you want to master these skills, ordinary people will not be able to do it in a few years!"

"But Mr. Li is not an ordinary person at all!" Master Xiao sighed, "He may be the most heaven-defying spirit weapon genius I have ever seen!"

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