Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2958 Too despicable and shameless (2)

"That's right, Mr. Li's talent is indeed unmatched... I really don't know what kind of master is a master who can teach a monster like him? Maybe he is a strong man who has already advanced to the Ming Xuan Realm ..." President Gao muttered to himself, guessing Huang Yueli's background.

As he spoke, he looked at Master Xiao.

I saw a smug smile on Master Xiao's face.

President Gao suddenly came to his senses, and couldn't help shouting: "Okay! You're trying to trick me on purpose! Your eyesight is so good, and you took a close look at those spiritual weapons just now, didn't you It can already be seen that these spirit weapons are better than the previous ones? Isn't it?"

"Uh, this. Cough cough, cough cough..." Master Xiao coughed forcefully a few times, trying to hide the smile on his face.

However, it was too late for him to do so. Chairman Gao is not a fool, and he has fully understood by this time.

President Gao was so angry that he jumped up and waved his fists, wanting to beat him up!

"Old Xiao, how could you trick me on purpose? You are so despicable and shameless!"

Master Xiao ran away, dodging President Gao's attack everywhere, "Oh, Lao Gao, you are exaggerating! I have known you for so many years, how could I deliberately deceive you? This is all a coincidence ...coincidentally..."

"It's a coincidence! Dare you say that you didn't lure me to bet with you on purpose? You already knew you would win, didn't you?" President Gao chased after him relentlessly.

Master Xiao said innocently: "How can you blame me? Don't you bet with me because you think you will win? If you really win, can I say that you cheated me? Are you deliberately wanting to renege on your debt?"

"You still dare to quibble! I will fight with you!"

The two made a fuss again, the noise was too loud, and even alarmed Master Bai who had gone back to his room to rest.

Seeing the situation of the two of them, Master Bai couldn't laugh or cry, and asked someone to pull them away.

"You two, how old are you, why are you still exactly the same as when you were young? Why are you fighting again? Where is Mr. Li? Has he finished refining the spiritual weapon? If he comes out and sees you two Tianbao Grandmasters It's actually this kind of virtue, we Tianbao Liuli Pavilion don't want to lose face?"

Although President Gao was pulled aside, he was still full of anger and depressed.

However, there were already quite a few young spirit weapon masters watching curiously outside the yard, he still had to take care of his face as the branch president, so he reluctantly sat down.

As soon as he took the teacup, he poured water into his mouth and ignored Master Bai.

Master Bai had no choice but to turn to Master Xiao, "Master Xiao, what's the situation? Aren't you all doing well just now?"

Master Xiao had no scruples, and roughly explained the reasons for the dispute just now.

After listening, Master Bai's eyes almost fell to the ground!

"What? How is it possible? Master Xiao, you... You are not kidding me, are you? I am a straight-hearted person, I will take it seriously!"

Master Xiao snorted coldly with disdain, "Is this old man going to joke with you?"


Just when Master Bai was bewildered, Huang Yueli opened the door again and walked out from the refining room.

"I have finished refining the third spiritual weapon, please take a look at it, both of you!"

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