Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2967 This voice... (1)

Huang Yueli was surrounded by people, but she still did not rush.

"What? Didn't you say just now that you want to teach me a lesson yourself? Now you have sent guards to be cannon fodder? Are you afraid that you can't beat me?"

Li Leyun was holding back so much that she was about to vomit blood.

What Huang Yueli said hit her sore spot again!

Li Leyun has always claimed to be a heaven-level genius, even among ancient protoss like the Yunlin clan, she is at the top level.

She never dreamed that she would be taught a lesson by a human warrior who looked no older than her in such a small place!

Moreover, the opponent's strength is obviously much better than hers...

This was a huge blow to her!

Not to mention, the talent of this human race in front of her in refining spirit weapons completely crushed her!

Li Leyun really couldn't get off the stage, and her heart was full of jealousy, she really wanted to strangle Huang Yueli to death!

Huang Yueli looked calm and unhurried on the surface, but in fact she had carefully observed the surrounding situation, and her mind was spinning thoughts quickly.

There are only four guards under Li Leyun's belt, but their cultivation bases should be higher than Li Leyun's, which is about the late stage of Yixuan Realm.

Huang Yueli's own combat power far exceeds that of other fighters of the same level, so it was easy to deal with Li Leyun just now.

However, it would not be so easy to escape in front of four higher-ranked warriors...

It seems that it is necessary to find a way to use the surrounding environment to cause some confusion.

Just when Huang Yueli was thinking, suddenly, a voice sounded from not far away.

"What are you doing here? Why is it so noisy?"

As the voice came, a tall young man pushed away from the crowd and approached.

Seeing Li Leyun, he froze for a moment, "Miss Leyun, why are you here?"

When Li Leyun saw someone coming, she almost jumped up excitedly, "Tianyi, you go beat up this kid, he dares to disrespect me!"

Li Tianyi was the bodyguard assigned to Li Moying by the family, and he was the number one guard among them.

Being able to be by the side of the future patriarch of the family is not an opportunity that ordinary people can have. Li Tianyi's talent and strength are extraordinary, and even his background is very good.

Li Tianyi frowned, but did not follow her order.

"Miss Le Yun, no matter what conflicts you have, can you stop making noise at my young master's door? Can't we solve it in another place? Young master, he hasn't closed his eyes for three days and three nights. He finally fell asleep today and was woken up by you again. .”

Hearing this, Li Leyun, who was still aggressive, suddenly turned off the fire, her arrogant and domineering posture was gone, and her tone softened instantly.

"Ah... this... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Li Tianyi didn't say much to her, and turned his head to signal everyone to leave, "Everyone leave, there's nothing to see here."

If ordinary people drive people away like this, no one will listen.

However, Li Tianyi's clothes, imposing manner, and self-cultivation made him not easy to mess with at first glance, and the crowd had watched enough of the show, fearing that he would cause trouble next time, they all left one after another.

Huang Yueli watched from the side, feeling a strange feeling in her heart.

With such an arrogant character, Li Leyun's attitude completely changed because of a single sentence from this young man?

I don't know, who is the "son" in the mouth of this young man?

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