Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2968 This voice... (2)

Obviously, Li Leyun suddenly got scared when she heard the title of "Young Master".

Although Huang Yueli felt strange, she didn't ask any further questions.

Being pestered by Li Leyun for so long has already wasted a lot of her time.

Now, she has taught Li Leyun a lesson, so there is no need to stay here any longer.

Seeing that the crowd gradually dispersed, Huang Yueli also mixed in, ready to leave.

Li Leyun turned her head and found that she was about to slip away, so she yelled again, "Li Yuehuang, you still want to run? Stop!"

As soon as Li Tian heard her sharp cry, he couldn't help frowning, "Miss Le Yun, if you didn't come to visit our son, please leave here immediately! Otherwise, none of us can afford to offend you! "

Li Leyun's face turned pale, and she gave Huang Yueli a hard look, "You are lucky! Let me see you next time, and I will never forgive you!"

After finishing speaking, she didn't care about Huang Yueli anymore, and hurriedly followed Li Tianyi into a courtyard not far from the road.

That bastard offended her, although a thousand times of death was not enough, but she still couldn't delay her visit to Brother Moying just because of this matter.

Hearing that brother Moying was in a bad mood, she made up her mind to take advantage of his weakness and ask him how he was, so that he would fall in love with her.

Li Leyun and Li Tianyi disappeared behind the courtyard gate.

Naturally, the crowd of onlookers on the street also dispersed.

Huang Yueli stayed on the empty street, her eyes followed Li Leyun's back, she lost her mind for a moment.

When she came back to her senses, she realized that she didn't know what happened, but she actually reached the gate of the courtyard where Li Leyun and the others entered, and almost walked in.

Two guards appeared at the door, pulled out the long swords at their waists, and blocked her way.

"Who?! This is a private courtyard, please get out of here quickly!"

Only now did Huang Yueli come back to her senses, seeing the guards looking suspiciously at her, she immediately felt embarrassed.

Speaking of it, it is indeed very suspicious for her to break into other people's yard for no reason.

She herself didn't know why, but she followed Li Leyun and the others over by such ecstasy, as if there was some kind of power in the dark that was pulling her...

Just when Huang Yueli was hesitating, there was a burst of commotion in the room.

Among them, there was the sound of porcelain falling to the ground and shattering, the girl's screams, and...

It seemed that there was still a man's roar coming.

This voice——!

Huang Yue's head jumped, and for a moment, she even felt that she heard Li Moying's voice!

But... how is it possible?

Seeing her standing still, the guards looked even more unfriendly, released the profound energy in her body, and sternly shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you leave?! If you don't leave, don't blame us for being rude!"

Huang Yueli frowned slightly. She was not afraid of the two guards in front of her. Although their cultivation was higher than hers, it was still very difficult to pose a real threat to her.

However, Huang Yueli knew she was in the wrong, so she was naturally unwilling to argue with them.

"Sorry, I went to the wrong door, I'm leaving now..."

Huang Yueli cupped her hands and stepped back.

The moment she turned around, there was another chaotic shout from the backyard.

Huang Yueli paused, couldn't help but stopped again, and listened attentively.

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