Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2973 unique breath (3)

However, Li Moying did not answer her question.

He looked Li Leyun up and down, and there seemed to be a hazy illusion in front of him.

This familiar Liuxian skirt, with its hem like flowing clouds, seemed to be the girl he had admired for two lifetimes, appearing in front of him again, coming gracefully.

Moreover, he seemed to smell that familiar fragrance between his nostrils.

If there seems to be nothing.

It was Huang Yueli's unique aura, and it lingered in his dreams every night.

"Xiao Li'"

His thin lips opened and closed slightly, as if he was whispering something, but it was so soft that even Li Leyun, who was standing not far from her, couldn't hear it clearly.

Li Leyun was stared at by his gradually scorching eyes, and her heart was excited, her heart beat as if it was going to pop out of her throat.

She had never been stared at so intently by Li Moying.

Li Leyun has imagined countless times what it would be like to be watched by Li Moying so tenderly.

Only now did she know that this man seemed cold and ruthless, but once he became gentle, his gaze could make people drown in it...

Li Leyun's cheeks blushed, and she was even more convinced that Li Moying was moved by her.

She walked forward quickly and approached Li Moying.

This time, Li Moying did not attack her, on the contrary, he quietly stared at the girl in front of him without moving.

Seeing that he no longer resisted herself, Li Leyun stretched out her hand to him overjoyed, trying to help him up.

"Brother Moying, you..."

But who knows, when she opened her mouth, it was like a stone was thrown into the water, instantly breaking the confusion in Li Moying's eyes.

His gloomy eyes instantly became clear.

not her!

This not his little Li'er!

Sensing Li Leyun approaching, he swung his right hand and bounced her away again!

With a sound of "bang bang", Li Leyun's body flew upside down.

If Li Tian hadn't sensed that something was wrong early in the morning and rushed over to catch him in time, Li Leyun would have been seriously injured this time!

Even so, Li Leyun's right ankle was broken by the huge impact, and the pain made her pale.

However, compared to the pain, what shocked Li Leyun even more was that Li Moying pushed her away again, and the blow was so heavy, there was absolutely no intention of pity!

He... why did he do this?

Just now, I clearly saw the incomparable love and affection in his eyes, as if she was the only treasure in Li Moying's heart.

How could everything change in the blink of an eye?

Li Moying not only pushed her away fiercely, but also looked at her as cold as ice, the tenderness just now was gone!

While Li Leyun was in a daze, Li Moying stood up and walked straight to the door.

When passing by Li Leyun, he didn't even look at her.

Li Leyun became anxious and couldn't help shouting: "Brother Moying, you... where are you going?"

Li Moying glanced at her, and said in a cold voice: "You are not qualified to wear this skirt. Change it, and don't let me see you wearing a fairy skirt again!"

Li Leyun's eyes widened, never dreaming that Li Moying would say such a thing!

She thought that wearing this dress would attract Li Moying's attention and make him notice her peerless beauty...

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