Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2974 unique breath (4)

The more Li Leyun thought about it, the more unwilling she became, she gritted her teeth.

"No, I won't change it, I just like this skirt! Why can only that woman wear it, but I can't wear it? This is my freedom!"

Li Moying sneered coldly: "Freedom? If you want to be free, don't appear in front of me! You don't want to change, do you? Tianyi, go and help her!"

"Yes, sir... ah, what?"

Li Tian subconsciously wanted to obey Li Moying's order, but after realizing what he said, Li Tianyi stood there in shock.

Did he hear wrong? That's the patriarch's niece!

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Li Moying's voice was even colder, and the sweep of his deep eyes could make people tremble all over.

Li Tianyi felt his legs go limp.

Ever since the news of Huang Yueli's death came, Li Moying seemed to be a different person, even scarier than the demons on the battlefield!

Cold sweat dripped down Li Tianyi's forehead, he didn't know what to do!

He is not Li Moying, who has no guts to offend the patriarch's niece, but he dare not disobey his son's order...

He could only bite the bullet and persuade: "Miss Le Yun, why don't you just change your skirt? Young Master, he is in a bad mood now, why do you have to fight against him?"

"I..." Li Leyun's face was full of unwillingness!

She is a heaven-level genius of the Holy Phoenix Clan!

Not only is the status of the ancient gods noble, but he also has the talent second only to Li Moying in the clan, and his appearance is even more extraordinary!

Why does Li Moying just look down on her and insist on thinking about his lady in the lower realm? No matter how beautiful that woman is, she is still a lowly human race, not even a single finger of hers can compare!

Li Leyun felt aggrieved to the extreme, but Li Moying's power was too powerful!

Under his sharp knife-like gaze, Li Leyun's heart felt chills, and she was sincerely afraid, and she didn't dare to fight against him at all.

Biting her lip, she was about to stand up and change clothes.

Suddenly, Li Moying frowned, stopped, and walked towards her.

Li Leyun froze for a moment, then suddenly jumped up.

Li Moying would take the initiative to come to her, this is the first time she has encountered such a thing! Could it be that this man finally saw that she was much more beautiful than his human lady, and changed his mind?

After Li Moying approached, she didn't speak, but directly stretched her hand towards Li Leyun's chest.

Li Leyun's face turned red, "Brother Mo Ying, what are you doing..."

Li Tianyi was stunned, his mind was in a mess, and he didn't know what his young master was going to do!

Didn't you still dislike Li Leyun just now, and couldn't even tolerate her wearing a fairy dress? Why do you just reach out and touch someone's chest now?

This...wouldn't be overstimulation?

However, Li Moying didn't seem to notice the strange reaction of the two of them at all.

He reached out to Li Leyun's chest, but he didn't touch her at all. Instead, he picked up a small leaf stuck to the clothes on her chest with two fingers.

No one noticed that Li Moying's fingers were trembling slightly.

He put the leaves under his nose and smelled them, his expression as indifferent as ice finally loosened a bit.

This familiar!

It was clearly the smell of his family's Xiao Li'er's favorite sachet when he was in Tianling Continent!

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