Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2975 unique breath (5)

This is the dried leaf made from the first shoots of Liuxiangmu that grows every year. It is actually a kind of spice, and it is also a unique plant in Tianling Continent.

Since Huang Yueli's previous life, she liked to make sachets from leaves by herself, and she even gave him several of them.

Therefore, this smell has always been deeply imprinted in his mind, no matter how long it takes, it will never be forgotten.

No wonder when Li Leyun approached him today, he mistook her for Huang Yueli in a fit of drunkenness.

This was not only because she was wearing Xiao Li'er's favorite fairy dress, but also because she had a trace of Huang Yueli's aura on her body.

But, how could Li Leyun have the aura of Huang Yueli?

Thinking of this, Li Moying's eyes suddenly became extremely cold, staring at Li Leyun, gritted his teeth and asked: "Where did this leaf... come from?"

"Huh? What... what?"

Li Leyun was still completely unable to recover.

She thought that Li Moying was thinking about her, but Li Moying didn't touch her, but took a small thing from her body, she didn't even see what it was!

Immediately afterwards, Li Moying began to question her, but she didn't understand what Li Moying was asking, so naturally she didn't know how to answer.

However, Li Moying didn't have much patience, his heart was already on fire, full of excitement and fear!

There is no Fragrance Tree in the God Realm, so this leaf can only be brought from Tianling Continent, and the recently ascended Tianling Continent martial artist can only be Huang Yueli!

Therefore, he was almost certain that Li Leyun had been in contact with Huang Yueli before, moreover, ninety percent of them were on the way here today!

Having said that, he has been disappointed countless times, so this time, he couldn't believe that he would be so lucky!

Seeing Li Leyun's hesitation, Li Moying felt anxious in her heart, and her anger burst out all of a sudden.

He reached out and grabbed Li Leyun's collar, and asked fiercely: "Say it quickly! When you came here just now, who did you meet? Why would this leaf get on you! Tell me quickly!"

Li Leyun had never seen him look so ferocious, she was so frightened that she almost flew out of her wits!

Only then did she realize that what Li Moying had just taken from her was a leaf!

However, she pays the most attention to her own image on weekdays. Even if there is a little dust on her clothes, she will never wear them again. How could she not notice a leaf the size of a fingernail?


Li Leyun suddenly thought of the scene where she was arguing with Huang Yueli at the door.

She was walking too fast and collided with Huang Yueli, that's why she fell.

At that time, the impact was not light!

This leaf either got on it when she fell, or it fell from that brat!

Li Moying's gaze became colder and colder. Li Tianyi was afraid that he would really hurt the patriarch's niece, so he wanted to come up to persuade him, but he was overwhelmed by his aura and dared not approach at all.

Li Leyun was so frightened that her teeth were chattering, and she answered bravely, "This should be...I got it on at the gate of the yard..."

"The gate of the courtyard?" Li Moying frowned.

"Yes, at that time, I was deliberately tripped and fell by a... a kid who didn't have eyes, and then we quarreled... This kid clearly did it on purpose..."

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