Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2976 unique breath (6)

Li Leyun quickly described the situation at that time.

In the end, he still didn't forget to deliberately smear Huang Yueli, hoping that Li Moying could stand up for her and teach that brat a lesson!

Unexpectedly, Li Moying only listened to the first half, then let go of her hand and rushed out towards the door.

"Young Master Mo Ying, where are you going? Wait... wait!"

Li Tianyi hurriedly chased after him.

Li Leyun fell to the ground all of a sudden, feeling that all the strength in her body was drained in an instant!

Just now, Li Moying's appearance was really terrifying and frightening!

Moreover, she didn't even know where she provoked him!

Could it be that there was something wrong with the brat she bumped into at the door earlier? Li Moying rushed out in such a hurry, wouldn't it be to settle accounts with that kid?

If that's the case, then it's really worth it for her to be frightened today!

Although I don't know how Li Yuehuang provoked Li Moying, but seeing how Li Moying was so angry just now, that kid fell into his hands, but some people suffered!

At this moment, Li Moying's heart is extremely anxious, and her pace is getting faster and faster, almost flying!

Li Tianyi chased after him with a few guards, but they couldn't keep up with his speed at all!

Li Yuehuang...

Isn't that the word Huang Yueli reversed?

Li Leyun also said that the young man was a spiritual weapon master, and he had fragrant leaves on his body!

This person is definitely his little Li'er, otherwise, how could such a coincidence happen in the world!

As for the fact that this person's appearance is different from his celestial beauty Xiao Li'er, that's easy to explain. Huang Yueli has always been very good at disguise, and with a top-level magic weapon like Tianhuang Jue on her body, she can Used to cover up cultivation.

No wonder people from the Holy Phoenix Clan have been looking for her for so long, but they can't find her!

He knew that his little Li'er was not dead! She must be alive and well, and besides, she is not far from him!

Thinking of this, Li Moying wished she could immediately rush to Huang Yueli's side and hug her tightly.

He used his fastest body technique, his figure was like lightning, and his profound strength perfectly blended together, rushing out of the courtyard like a flash of lightning.

The door, of course, was already empty.

In a very short period of time, Li Moying walked all the surrounding streets, but she didn't see anyone who looked like Huang Yueli.

As a last resort, he could only stop and meditate.

It has been nearly an hour since Li Leyun had a dispute with Huang Yueli, and with the footsteps of his little fox, he can cross half of Huofang City in this amount of time.

Now that she was no longer in the surrounding streets, it became a little difficult to find someone.

The roads in Huofang City extend in all directions, God knows which direction she will go?

During the time he was thinking, Li Tianyi and the others finally caught up and bowed to him out of breath.

"My lord, this is... where are you going!"

Li Moying frowned slightly, and said, "The spirit weapon master who was arguing with Li Leyun just now is probably Huang Yueli."


The guards all had expressions of astonishment on their faces.

No one expected to hear such news.

After all, according to Li Leyun, the spirit weapon master who dared to argue with her several times is a man!

Li Moying didn't have time to explain to them, and asked directly: "Where is Li Leyun? Is she still in the yard?"

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