Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2977 Where did she go? (1)

"Uh, ah, yes, yes!" The guards responded hastily.

Without thinking, Li Moying quickly walked towards the courtyard.

Now, the only one who is most likely to know Huang Yueli's whereabouts is Li Leyun.

When Li Tianyi and the others saw Li Moying leaving like a gust of wind, they secretly groaned in their hearts.

As soon as something about the girl from the Holy Phoenix Clan came up, their always calm future patriarch became so impatient. These subordinates couldn't keep up with his thoughts at all, so they could only follow behind him all the time, like Go around like a fool.

When Li Moying rushed back to the yard, Li Leyun was still in a daze.

Seeing Li Moying running back again, she greeted her excitedly, "Brother Moying, have you caught that brat who bullied me? Did he..."

Li Moying was too lazy to listen to her, and asked directly: "Which direction did she leave? Do you have any impression?"

"This..." Li Leyun was stunned for a moment.

When she and Huang Yue left, all she could think of was to see Li Moying as soon as possible, so she didn't pay attention to where Huang Yue left.

Li Moying waited for a few breaths, then became impatient, and asked: "Where did you go? You have been arguing with her for so long, and you didn't notice where she went?"

Li Leyun was frightened by his eager and fierce tone, her mind was even more confused, and she couldn't remember the situation at that time.

When Li Moying saw this, a burst of anger rose from his chest, and he couldn't help but wanted to hit someone.

Fortunately, Li Tianyi and the others chased after him again, and weakly reminded behind Li Moying: "My lord, just now, my subordinates were also at the door, and they seem to have seen Huang...uh, Mr. Li went over there... ..."

As soon as Li Tian pointed towards the east, Li Moying glared at him immediately, "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Li Tianyi to defend, another gust of wind swept away.

Li Tianyi wanted to cry but had no tears, he felt that he was really wronged!

He wanted to talk about it just now, but he didn't know that his young master's body skills and profound skills are so powerful! It is twice as fast as what he showed when he was in the Yunlin clan!

In the blink of an eye, the man ran away and disappeared. He chased desperately, until he was about to vomit blood, but he still couldn't catch up...

"Senior Brother Tianyi, what's going on? Why is Brother Moying so anxious? Did Li Yuehuang offend Brother Moying too? Let me just say, that brat is so bold, as a lowly human race, he dared to provoke us The Yunlin tribe is looking for death! When brother Mo Ying finds him, he must be severely punished!" Li Leyun walked over and said angrily.

Li Tian glanced at her, "If you don't want to be beaten to death by Young Master, it's better not to blame Young Master Li in the future!"

Li Leyun didn't expect him to say that, and was taken aback for a moment, "Ah? Why? That's just a lowly human race!"

Li Tian didn't wink at her when he saw her, and he didn't try to persuade her any more. Anyway, he had already reminded Li Leyun.

The most urgent thing is to find Li Moying as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, he immediately led his people and chased them out again.

The roads in Huofang City were built very neatly.

Li Tianyi chased all the way to the east, although he was not as fast as Li Moying, but he was not too worried about getting lost.

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