Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2978 Where did she go? (2)

However, Li Tianyi originally thought that Li Moying would definitely go all the way and search all the way, but it turned out that Li Moying went through many streets and arrived at the foot of the city wall in the east before stopping.

Panting, Li Tianyi and the others stopped behind Li Moying.

" lord! Where we ran just now, there are several lively streets, and... There are also a few inns. If Miss Huang is in Huofang City, she will probably stay in these places. We... ...Do you want to go back and take a look?" Li Tianer suggested.

Li Moying just shook his head.

He raised his head and looked at the teleportation array surrounded by hundreds of soldiers not far ahead, his charming peach eyes were dark and deep.

"No need, since Xiao Li'er is going due east, she probably came here." His voice was low.

"Ah?" The guards' eyes widened, obviously not understanding why Li Moying was so sure.

Li Moying did not explain, in fact, he did not know how to explain.

This was just his intuition, or in other words, he knew enough about Huang Yueli that he could make an accurate inference about her behavior.

His family's little Li'er is not interested in the false name of a spiritual weapon master, and would go to Tianbao Liuli Pavilion, and even had a conflict with Li Leyun, probably to get the badge of a spiritual weapon master, to achieve a certain purpose.

The purpose is easy to guess, that is to use the teleportation array.

Huang Yueli was attacked by someone who did not know, but under the protection of the elders of the Holy Phoenix Clan, she was seriously injured and disappeared.

Moreover, after escaping, she did not show up directly, but disguised herself and appeared in Huofang City in disguise.

This meant that his little Li'er must have encountered a very powerful enemy, so he was so cautious and did not dare to show any signs.

Therefore, according to Huang Yueli's usual behavior pattern, she would not choose to stay in Huofang City for a long time, but would rush to a safe place as soon as possible.

She is not familiar with the place of life in the God Realm, and there are only two places she can go to.

One is Ling Yuefeng, where the direct lineage of the Holy Phoenix Clan is located, and the other... is Yunlin Continent where he is located!

I don't know what kind of choice Huang Yueli made in the end?

When Li Moying was thinking, the soldiers near the teleportation array had already discovered the existence of their group and strode over.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of so many people wandering around military sites?"

The captain stared at Li Moying and the others with suspicious eyes, holding the weapon tightly with both hands, looking very alert.

These people in front of them are all dressed luxuriously and have excellent cultivation skills, especially Li Moying, the leader, with a handsome appearance and noble demeanor, he looks like a noble son who has been in a high position for a long time.

Such a person appeared near the teleportation array, it is absolutely impossible to get lost and go wrong!

Li Tianyi hastily went forward, "My little brother, my young master is here to find someone, may I there a spirit weapon master surnamed Li who came here just now?"

The look on the soldier captain's face was even more confused, "Why are you asking this?"

"Uh, this..."

Li Tianyi is worthy of being a talented warrior of the Yunlin clan, his mind turned quickly, and he quickly found a reason.

"My son and Master Li have been friends for many years."

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