Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3096 Persevere! (4)

She knew very well that this was the most critical moment!

The demons seemed to be aware of this, and after a brief silence, they all jumped up together and launched a fierce attack on the high platform.

Xia Yunxi closed his eyes slightly, and silently recited the formula.

Immediately afterwards, her figure turned into eight identical double figures in an instant!

Every double image is indistinguishable from her real body, and even the profound force emanating from her body is not strong or weak!

Even Huang Yueli was dumbfounded by this scene, almost lost his mind and destroyed the mechanism!

Eight Xia Yunxi drew their swords at the same time, and the sword light dazzled people, weaving into a dense sword net, successfully blocking all the demons out!

Huang Yueli couldn't help sighing in her heart, she didn't expect that Xia Yunxi would be so secretive, and her strength was far beyond her imagination!

However, Huang Yueli also knew that for Xia Yunxi to use such a profound profound skill, it must have consumed a lot of energy, and she probably wouldn't last long, so she didn't have much time left for herself.

Huang Yueli quickly restrained her mind and quickened her movements.

In the middle of the camp, the battle between Li Yukun and Tianmo has entered the final stage.

Li Yukun was already exhausted, his clothes were soaked in sweat, and fresh blood was constantly gushing out from various wounds on his body.

Even the magic weapon-level armor he was wearing had a lot of damage, and it was already difficult to protect him completely.

Tianmo Ruixuan was also slightly injured, but compared with Li Yukun, that injury was negligible!

"Tsk tsk, waste is waste! Even if you are wearing such high-grade armor, you are still going to die in my hands? Soon, I will be able to take your blood essence! Although you are a bit waste, you are still in the Mind Profound Realm As a warrior in the later stages, after my brother absorbs your blood essence, he will definitely be able to progress much more smoothly!"

Ruixuan let out a hoarse sneer and pressed forward step by step.

Li Yukun closed his eyes in despair and gave up resistance.

So far, he has tried his best, but unfortunately, the gap in strength cannot be made up by any external force.

He could feel that his meridians had been eroded by a large amount of devilish energy, and his body was gradually becoming paralyzed...

This has a fatal impact on a martial artist!

He couldn't hold on any longer...

It doesn't matter if he died, since the day he joined the coalition forces, Li Yukun was ready to die on the front line.

It's just a pity that there are so many human and protoss warriors in the camp!

Many of them are still very young, even on the battlefield of the Demon Race for the first time, and they still have good wishes, wanting to earn enough military exploits on the battlefield and become the pride of the family!

It's a pity that I'm going to die here too...

Ruixuan also realized that victory was just around the corner, and couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart.

He didn't waste any more time, but raised his hands, gathered all the devilish energy around him, formed a black giant sword, and threw it towards Li Yukun's head!

Li Yukun didn't move, his heart was ashamed.


With a loud bang, it exploded in mid-air!

Li Yukun was sent flying by the huge impact of the explosion, vomited blood in the air, and hit the ground heavily.

He was in pain all over his body, but he was surprised to find that - he was not dead!

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