Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3097 Who is in the formation? (1)

what happened?

Could it be that the demons suddenly softened and spared his life?

Li Yukun hurriedly opened his eyes, resisting the pain, and looked into the sky.

I saw that the huge sword formed by the condensed black energy collided with a ball of silver energy, and then it started to collapse...

Not only that, Tianmo Ruixuan was also backlashed by his own demon energy, and retreated dozens of steps to the rear before barely standing still.

He stared in disbelief at the devilish energy that had turned into black smoke again, and he was shocked and angry at the same time!

Ruixuan raised his head and yelled loudly: "Who? Dare to sneak attack me?? Get out of here quickly——!"

However, no one in the entire camp responded.

"Get out, get out—!"

Rui Xuan yelled sharply, and at the same time instinctively looked in the direction where the silver energy appeared.

Li Yukun also came back to his senses at this time, and his heart moved.

This kind of heaven and earth profound energy with mixed attributes looks very familiar, and then it is thought that it is emitted from the southeast, could it be...

impossible? ?

Before Li Yukun and Ruixuan could figure it out, another silver light suddenly lit up on the high platform in the southeast corner!

This energy is like a flash of lightning, coming suddenly, carrying an astonishing impact, and descending on the top of Ruixuan's head with lightning speed!

Rui Xuan tried to resist, but his reaction was still half a beat slow, and he couldn't resist at all.

Silver light and magic energy collide again!

The demonic energy dissipated even faster, and Ruixuan even fell to the ground, and couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood!

However, after this time, Ruixuan could see clearly the source of that silver energy!

Suffering heavy injuries one after another, the anger of Tianmo Ruixuan reached the critical point of explosion. He forcibly performed the magic trick, suppressed the injuries in his body, and then jumped up with a straight body, rushing aggressively towards the high platform in the southeast corner past!

"Damn human bastards, they will hide in the corner and sneak attack! I tore you apart! Throw you alive into the pill furnace, and practice it into a blood demon pill!"

The Blood Demon Pill is a demonic sorcery that makes the hearts of the people tremble even more than the Blood Pill.

Blood pills are only refined with the blood essence of warriors, while blood demon pills need to throw the whole living person into the pill furnace, use different fire to refine the person alive into blood water, and then condense into pills!

Such an evil method, even among the demons, few people can do it.

Rui Xuan was obviously driven crazy by the attack on his popularity!

Seeing this scene, the human warriors in the camp raised their hearts in their throats!

Li Yukun also kept chanting silently in his heart: Hurry up and activate the formation, and activate the formation again, and this demon will be completely and seriously injured, making him lose his fighting power!

Just one more time!

However, the people in the formation didn't seem to feel the urgency in everyone's hearts at all, and they seemed to have been frightened stupid.

Seeing that Ruixuan was about to jump right in front of the high platform, the formation did not light up again!

"What's going on?? Who is in the formation? Hurry up, start the formation quickly!!"

Li Yukun couldn't help screaming, but the southeast corner was still quiet.


On the high platform, after Huang Yueli launched two consecutive attacks, she suddenly frowned and stopped.

Due to the impact of two consecutive explosions, the demons on the fence basically fell down.

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