The other commanders tried to persuade him for a long time, but to no avail.

Everyone has been standing at the door of the main tent for more than three hours.

Later, many people became a little impatient and walked up and down the door, but they were afraid that urging them loudly would affect Xia Yunxi's diagnosis and treatment.

Jing Zhihai couldn't hold back, walked to the door and shouted, "Xi Yunxia, ​​do you really know how to heal? You haven't made any movement for so long, maybe it was because you were blowing your mind just now. Now that you can't cure it, you dare not come out Bar?"

As soon as the words fell, the curtain of the main tent was thrown open.

Xia Yunxi came out from the inside, looking at the crowd crowded at the door with cold eyes.

"How is it? How is Lord Shenwei?"

Everyone rushed forward.

Xia Yunxi said: "Lord Shenwei is already awake, and his life is not in danger. However, his body has been seriously injured this time. During the recent period, he must not be tired and must rest well."

Hearing this, the faces of the warriors present all showed expressions of surprise.

"Really? Master Shenwei... is he really awake?"

"My God, it's great, it's great, God bless you!"

"Our camp is saved now..."

Several commanders scrambled to squeeze into the camp, but Xia Yunxi didn't stop him, and retreated to the side, giving way to the entrance.

Seeing that Li Yukun's bed was already full of people, Huang Yueli paused and did not enter in a hurry.

Since Xia Yunxi said that her life was not in danger, then things would definitely be as she said, so there was no need for her to worry.

Huang Yueli thought for a while, walked up to Xia Yunxi, and asked in a low voice: "Master Shenwei is... really okay now? The magic energy he inhaled is not a little bit, I am a little worried, what kind of sequelae will be left behind?" Come."

Xia Yunxi carefully looked around and made sure no one was looking at them, so she sighed softly.

"I don't need to tell you a lie. In fact, Lord Shenwei's situation is still very dangerous. Although I have cleaned up most of the devilish energy in his meridians and lungs, the devilish energy that has invaded his mind is hard to get rid of." , I tried my best, but only 50% of it was cleaned up."

"Fifty percent..." Huang Yueli pondered, "What will happen to Lord Shenwei?"

Xia Yunxi said: "Master Shenwei can wake up for a short period of time every day, but most of the time he will still be in a coma state. I come to treat him once a day, and slowly get rid of the remaining demon energy in his brain. But , This process is very long, and it may not be completed in the first half of the year."

Huang Yueli frowned tightly upon hearing this.

According to what Xia Yunxi said, Li Yukun was actually unable to command the soldiers in the camp to fight.

In this way, although he is sober, the dilemma facing the camp is still the same.

The highest combat power is gone, and at the same time, the commander who knows the camp best and has the most control is gone...

Although, this does not necessarily mean that they have no chance of getting out of trouble.


Huang Yueli thought that when she was in the camp just now, she saw the overly excited look in Jing Zhihai's eyes...

Things might really be a little off...

Just when the two were frowning, suddenly, Commander Hu turned his head and greeted them.

"Li Yuehuang, Xi Yunxia, ​​why are you in a daze? Didn't you hear? Master Shenwei asked you to come over!"

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