Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The 3110th chapter new camp command (1)

Huang Yueli and Xia Yunxi exchanged glances, agreed, and walked quickly to Li Yukun's hospital bed.

Although Li Yukun had woken up, his complexion still looked very bad. His originally fair complexion now seemed to be covered with a layer of black-gray death.

He widened his eyes hard, but the bottom of his eyes was a little loose, obviously he couldn't see everything in front of him clearly.

"Li... Yue Huang... Xi... Yun... Xia..."

When Li Yukun spoke, his voice was hoarse, almost inaudible.

Hearing him call her name, Huang Yueli and Xia Yunxi rushed up.

"Master Shenwei, what's the matter with you? Just ask!"

Li Yukun's right hand twitched, and he lifted it upwards, but in the end, he had no choice but to put it down because of lack of strength.

He whispered: "I... am seriously injured now, and I am... unable to personally command the army. For the safety of... everyone in the camp, I must appoint a person... to replace me."

Upon hearing this, Jing Zhihai's eyes lit up immediately!

After today's battle, Li Yukun was seriously injured, and Jing Zhihai had already coveted the position of the divine guard.

As one of the talented fighters of the White Tiger Clan, his knowledge is much higher than other commanders.

He knew very well in his heart that even though Li Yukun was seriously injured and the situation in the camp seemed to be very critical, if one looked at it from another angle, this was not only a difficult and dangerous obstacle, on the contrary, it might also be a god-sent opportunity!

On the Demon Race side, their commander Tianmo Ruixuan was also seriously injured in the battle just now.

Although it may not seem as serious as Li Yukun, the medical skills of the demons are not as good as those of the humans, so he probably won't be able to do anything with others for at least a month.

Most of the demon army was wiped out in the process of the human warriors taking advantage of the victory just now.

In this case, the situation in the demon camp is actually more dangerous than that of the human race!

Jing Zhihai felt that if he could become the commander of the camp at this time, he would have a high probability of defeating the demons.

At that time, those who don't know the truth will definitely put all the credit for this great contribution on him alone!

With such wishful thinking, Jing Zhihai actually wished that Li Yukun would remain unconscious.

Therefore, when Xia Yunxi stood up and said that Li Yukun could be cured, he was so angry! Simply forget about it!

The cooked duck is about to fly like this!

But fortunately God blesses, even though Xia Yunxi rescued Li Yukun, Li Yukun was still unable to command the army to fight, so he still had to appoint an agent!

It would be the same if he could become an agent!

Jing Zhihai is very confident. As the commander with the highest cultivation level and the most military exploits in this barracks, it is only natural that he should exercise the power of the divine guard.

"I... appoint..."

Jing Zhihai subconsciously puffed out his chest, ready to hear his name next.

"Captain of the third team...Li Yuehuang, captain of the fourth team...Xi Yunxia, ​​immediately promoted to commander..."

Hearing this, Jing Zhihai felt a little unhappy and frowned.

Originally, two commanders died in this battle, and two new commanders should indeed be appointed.

However, the two guys he hates the most are Li Yuehuang and Xi Yunxia.

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