Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The first chapter of 3194 rare spiritual master (1)

Moreover, he was forcibly awakened by Jing Zhihai and the others in a closed state, and his state was not at its peak.

In addition, the appearance of Li Moying and Jun Sihan was so sudden that Ruize was caught off guard and suffered a big loss.

In fact, Li Moying also had a feeling in his heart that if he and Jun Sihan were to fight head-on, they might not be able to gain too much advantage in front of the demon Ruize.

After all, in the middle stage of the Heavenly Demon, that is equivalent to the strength of the middle stage of the Daoxuan Realm of the God Race!

There is a big difference in realm, that is no joke.

Li Moying is now only at the early stage of the Mind Profound Realm, and Jun Sihan is at the middle stage of the Mind Profound Realm. Among the younger generation of the Protoss, they are all first-class peerless geniuses. The time is still too short!

Li Yukun looked solemn, and said: "Heavenly Demon Ruize, who has killed countless coalition masters on the battlefield, is definitely not easy to deal with. Moreover, defeating and killing are not the same concept. The two young masters want to defeat Ruize. It’s too difficult, but it’s the most troublesome thing to kill a demon whose cultivation level is one level higher than yours.”

Xia Yunxi also nodded in agreement, "That's right, Sihan, Brother Li, you'd better be careful!"

Although they promised to stay and help Li Yukun, in the hearts of Xia Yunxi and Huang Yueli, of course, the safety of their own husband is more important.

Jun Sihan patted her head, smiled slightly, and then turned to look at Li Yukun.

"Li Shenwei, don't worry, Tianmo Ruize is really strong, but we are still sure to deal with him."

Hearing his confident tone, Li Yukun was not only not at ease, but even more worried.

These two peerless geniuses seem to be too confident in their own strength!

Although self-confidence is a good thing, how easy is it to kill the demons in the middle stage of the demon? Still stepping up to fight!

It's like walking on the edge of a cliff, if you are not careful, you will fall into the bottomless abyss.

And the identities of the two of them are so noble, even a little injury will cause turmoil in the entire God Realm.

At this time, Li Yukun suddenly regretted asking them for help.

If these two really had an accident to help him, the violent storm from the two ancient protoss could tear him apart alive!

Li Yukun looked worried, and said in a low voice: "Young master, Mr. Jun, are you really sure to defeat Ruize? It is not easy to defeat him!"

Seeing Li Yukun's expression, Huang Yueli also became nervous.

"Mo Ying, you... are you really sure?"

Li Moying hooked the corner of her mouth, and explained to her calmly.

"Little Li'er, you have just arrived in the God Realm. I'm afraid you don't know yet. The strength of the demons is mainly related to the blood in their bodies. The stronger the blood, the better the state and the stronger the fighting power! This is why, the demons The main reason why you have to take a lot of blood pills when you advance."

"Ah... so the blood pill is used to replenish blood energy!" Huang Yueli nodded.

Li Moying smiled, and continued: "Heavenly Demon Ruize has been retreating and advancing. All the blood pills he took before were used to make up for the consumption during the process of advancing. The blood in his body was already very weak. As a result, , was interrupted in the middle of the advancement! The wear and tear in his body is definitely very serious!"

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