Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The first chapter of 3195 rare spirit weapon master (2)

"At this moment, what he needs most is to take a large amount of blood pills to help his blood recover. However, the northern camp closest to him has been destroyed by us. It may be difficult for Ruize to get enough blood in a short time. Dan, will be in a relatively weak state."

Only then did Huang Yueli suddenly realize, "That's right, this is indeed a good opportunity! If we seize the opportunity and make a surprise attack while Ruize is weak, we will definitely be able to defeat him! It's just..."

Huang Yueli paused for a moment, then frowned and asked: "It's just that according to what Lord Shenwei said, it's easy to defeat him, but killing him... I'm afraid it's not easy?"

Hearing this, Jun Sihan couldn't help laughing.

"Sister and sister, I'm afraid you were led astray by Li Shenwei! It may be difficult for others to kill the demon, but it is not difficult for us. You forgot, just you and my family, Xiaoxi, have succeeded Killed the Heavenly Demon Ruixuan!"

"Ah! That's right, I almost forgot!" Huang Yueli knocked her head angrily, "The poison refined by Yunxi can't even be resisted by the demons. As long as a drop enters the blood, it can immediately kill the opponent." To death!"

Seeing her movement, Li Moying immediately frowned and grabbed her wrist.

"It's enough to stay, don't knock yourself on the head!"

Huang Yueli glanced at him, but did not argue with him, because she was still thinking carefully about her next plan.

Based on the information provided by everyone, Li Moying and Jun Sihan have a 60% chance of succeeding in killing the demon Ruize.

After all, the difference in cultivation between the two sides is so big, no matter how talented the two of them are, they still take great risks when they make a move.

However, Li Moying and Jun Sihan both have decisive characters, as long as the winning rate can be more than 50%, they will definitely make a move!

Of course, it wasn't the two of them fighting alone. She, Xia Yunxi, and all the soldiers of the coalition army in the camp tried their best to assist them.

Just when Huang Yueli was thinking, Li Yukun spoke again.

"Since the young master and Mr. Jun are so confident in killing Ruize, then the subordinates will not say anything to spoil the fun. However, besides fighting Ruize head-on, we still have some troubles to solve. These things, see It looks inconspicuous, but it is actually difficult to deal with..."

Huang Yueli asked strangely: "What's the trouble? Lord Shenwei might as well say it out, let's discuss it."

Li Yukun said: "The demon Ruize has been retreating in a cave in the southeast recently. Now that he is injured and retreats, he will probably return to the cave. Ruize has arranged a lot of formations and organs in this cave, so don't say It’s entering the cave, and even finding the cave is not an easy task.”

"Jing Zhihai and the others could only enter it by following the demons for help. But we don't have such convenient conditions. If we want to find the cave, we have to explore it all by ourselves. Besides, after Rui Ze suffered a loss , will definitely be more cautious and open all the organs near the cave!"

Speaking of this, Li Yukun seemed quite worried, "I heard that the organ near the cave in Ruize was made by a few spirit weapon masters who kidnapped Tianbao Liuli Pavilion. It is much more powerful than ordinary demon organs! I used to Many of the spies sent out died under the agency!"

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