Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3202 Listen to the command of the wife (4)

Li Moying's movements were light and fast, she just touched her, then quickly raised her head and let her go.

"Little fox, you must be careful when you get down into the cave!"

Huang Yueli nodded solemnly, "You have to be careful too!"

Li Moying smiled slightly, and after seeing Huang Yueli get on the horse, she looked towards him impatiently, then he got on the horse and chased after her.

The retreat place of Heavenly Demon Ruize is only about two hundred miles away from the camp of the coalition forces.

About three hours later, the army entered a large dense forest.

"Everyone... pause and rest in place!"

Xia Yunxi gave an order, and all the soldiers stopped in place.

She frowned slightly, turned her horse's head, and walked to Huang Yueli who was at the end of the team.


Huang Yueli had been riding side by side with Li Moying, dragging slowly behind the team, talking in a low voice, when she heard Xia Yunxi's voice, she quickly turned her head to look over, "Yunxi, are we there yet?"

Xia Yunxi nodded, "According to the marks on the map Lord Shenwei gave me, we are not far from the cave. However, on the map, the possible entrances of the cave are distributed in a large area, and it is said that they will change with the day and night. From the outside, it's hard to tell."

Huang Yueli raised the corners of her mouth and said with a smile: "I understand, Yunxi, leave this to me! You are ready to fight at any time."

As she said that, as soon as she clamped the horse's belly, she ran towards the front of the team.

Xia Yunxi also turned the horse's head and followed.

"Little Li'er..." Li Moying wanted to say goodbye to her little fox, but Huang Yueli didn't even give him a look...

Li Moying frowned slightly, turned her head, and happened to see Jun Sihan not far behind.

Jun Sihan was riding on horseback, watching Xia Yunxi's leaving back from a distance.

Sensing Li Moying's gaze, he turned his head, the two men showed a wry smile, their hearts were full of depression.

The little girl in their family handles military affairs in a very orderly manner, no worse than a senior commander of the coalition forces.

However, looking at their appearance, it is obvious that they have completely forgotten their husbands...

Huang Yueli came to the front of the team, and said to Xia Yunxi who was following: "Is the place marked on the map here?"

Xia Yunxi nodded and said: "To be precise, Lord Shenwei has marked this area from the lake in the west to the woods in the east."

"Such a large area..." Huang Yueli frowned slightly, feeling a little embarrassed, "It will take a lot of effort to find it, at least it will take a day or two..."

As she said that, she remembered something, turned her head to look at Xia Yunxi, "Yunxi, what do you think?"

Xia Yunxi thought for a while and said, "I think it's more likely that the entrance is on the east side!"

Hearing this, Huang Yueli followed the direction of her finger, and after observing for a while, she smiled.

"Thank you, Yunxi! Your intuition is always so accurate! Wait for my good news!"

After speaking, she strode towards the woods to the east.

In this forest, there are various shrubs of various sizes, the most of which is a very tall white birch, with straight trunks, reaching straight into the sky.

Around the white birch, there are many symbiotic plants, especially on the trunk, with various vines entangled.

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