Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3203 Listen to the command of the daughter-in-law (5)

Huang Yueli walked to the edge of a white-white birch tree, observed it carefully for a while, took out a dagger, and made a mark on the trunk.

Then, she turned around again, took twenty steps due south, stopped again, and made the same mark on the trunk of the white birch tree in front of her.

Next, thirty steps to the east, another white birch tree was marked...

The fourth tree, the fifth tree...

Commander Hu and others watched from the sidelines, all at a loss.

"This... what's the situation? Commander Li, what is she doing??"

"I can't understand it at all! It turns out that when the formation master broke the formation, it was actually such an operation?"

"I don't understand, I don't understand at all!"

Everyone looked at each other, but they didn't dare to disturb Huang Yueli, so they could only lower their voices and discuss secretly.

Li Moying and Jun Sihan stood patiently in the corner of the woods, silently watching the movements of the two girls, without saying a word.

However, the two of them seemed to be indifferent, but in fact, they were all focused on their own daughter-in-law, and they were always ready to rush over to save her if any accident happened.

Fortunately, Huang Yueli's level of formation skills is indeed very good, she walked around the woods several times, and made different marks on many different birch trunks.

Just when everyone was dazed by her, she suddenly straightened up, raised her right hand, and snapped her fingers.

"Okay, done!"

"Ah??" Commander Hu and the others were already shaken to the point of falling asleep by her, and when they heard Huang Yueli's words, they couldn't react for a while.

Huang Yueli said again: "Everyone back away now, I'm going to open the cave entrance!"


Everyone backed away in a hurry, and at the same time put on a defensive posture as if they were facing a big enemy, as if countless poisonous arrows would be released from the entrance of the cave at any time, shooting them into a sieve every minute!

Huang Yueli looked at it and was quite speechless.

"You don't need to be so nervous, I won't make such low-level mistakes! The spirit weapon master kidnapped by the demons is obviously not very good. This mechanism is not very powerful, and I have already destroyed it. The main reason is to crack the hidden formations around it. It's kind of difficult."

As Huang Yueli said, with a wave of her right hand, more than a dozen flying knives flew out of her hand at the same time, hitting a big tree in front of her, forming a clear ring-shaped totem on the trunk.

Immediately, there was a tremor on the ground!



The ground kept shaking, and the ordinary soldiers showed some expressions of panic, but under the strict orders of Commander Hu and others, no one made any drastic moves.

After less than a quarter of an hour, the tremor stopped, and the two rows of white birch trees in front of everyone fell down at the same time, revealing a cave entrance behind.

Commander Xiao's eyes widened in shock, "This... behind this is actually a cave! Just now, it looked like a forest??"

Huang Yueli smiled slightly, "So, this is called the concealment formation! It is to use the profound energy of heaven and earth to disturb everyone's sight and make you have different illusions. Alright, everyone can prepare now..."

As soon as Huang Yueli finished speaking, two mid-stage Old Demon bodyguards walked out of the cave entrance.

"Who the hell dares to disturb Ruizeda..."

Halfway through the conversation, the two suddenly saw clearly the coalition troops standing outside the cave. They were so frightened that they were about to scream subconsciously!

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