Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The 3265th chapter stunning four (2)

Hearing this, Jing Shaoyuan's clamor stopped abruptly!

In the banquet hall, everyone turned their heads at the same time and looked at the door for the first time.

"Mrs. Li Shao! Isn't that Mrs. Li's wife? She's really here!"

"I don't know what kind of stunning beauty she is to capture Young Master Li's heart..."

"Yeah, from an ordinary family background, to be able to make Young Master Li so fascinated, she must be a great beauty!"

No one thought that Li Moying's wife would come to the banquet, and she would appear at this time!

After some arguments between Jing Shaoyuan and Li Moying, at this moment, everyone is full of curiosity about Li Moying's wife.

Even Meng Shurong and Xuan Jiuling, who have been famous for many years, couldn't hold back the fire of gossip in their hearts and stared at the door excitedly!

Li Moying's face was even more delighted, she stood up from her seat at once, strode to the door, and was ready to welcome Xiao Li'er from his home in person.

Jing Shaoyuan looked at Li Moying's excited back, and couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth.

He was also worried that Li Moying's wife would not dare to come because of the shame! If she didn't come, he really couldn't get off the stage just now!

Li Moying's eloquence was a bit beyond his expectations. He said so many sarcastic words, and every sentence was enough to hit him in the face. Unexpectedly, it was easily resolved by Li Moying.

Moreover, Li Moying deliberately made an affectionate look, and easily won the favor of many ordinary warriors...

From Jing Shaoyuan's point of view, Li Moying was just pretending to be like that. It was so hypocritical!

But it's good now, Li Moying's wife really appeared!

Thinking of her ordinary face when she saw Huang Yueli last time, Jing Shaoyuan felt excited.

Now, it is impossible for Li Moying not to be ashamed!

So many people are speculating that Li Moying's wife is a stunning beauty. When she sees the real person, she doesn't know what her expression will be.

Jing Shaoyuan sneered, almost impatiently waiting for Huang Yueli to appear.

Under everyone's attention, at the end of the corridor, a shadow finally appeared.

A beautiful girl, wearing a lavender Liuxian dress, walked slowly towards the banquet hall.

Her complexion is as white as snow, her facial features are meticulous and perfect, and although her figure is a little petite, she is graceful and graceful.

Moreover, she walks gracefully, with an elegant gait, and with that demeanor, she instantly kills all the daughters of the ancient gods.

When Jing Shaoyuan saw Huang Yueli appear, he was stunned for a moment. He was so big and he had never seen such a beautiful woman! Not only beauty, but also an indescribable temperament that makes people involuntarily fall for her.

Compared with her, Lan Mengqing, his fiancée who had always made him proud, was instantly compared to a little maid, which was simply unsightly!

Jing Shaoyuan stared at the beautiful shadow for a long time, until there were a few exclamations in the banquet hall, and he suddenly came back to his senses.

However, a question arose in his mind at the same time.

"Strange, which god race's daughter is such a beauty? Why have I never seen her? Did she come to the banquet today? Could it be that she came with Li Moying's wife?"

Jing Shaoyuan never thought that this beautiful woman who caught his eye was Huang Yueli herself!

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