Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The 3266th chapter stunning four (3)

Lan Mengqing also saw her eyes go straight, and complex emotions were churning in her heart.

As a famous beauty in the God Realm, when she saw another beauty, her first reaction was to compare her.

Beauties are most likely to be jealous of each other and compare beauty and men.

However, when she saw the beauties in this corridor, Lan Mengqing didn't even feel jealous!

Because the gap between the two is really too big, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't believe that there really is such a beautiful girl in the world!

Lan Mengqing stared at Huang Yueli for a while, deeply shocked, and said in disbelief, "Li Moying's wife is so beautiful..."

Jing Shaoyuan was standing beside her and naturally heard her muttering.

He turned his head and said disdainfully: "How is it possible? This is not Li Moying's wife at all. It is estimated that she is a daughter of a big family who occasionally passes by here? I have seen Li Moying's wife before. The village girls on the side of the road are not as good!"

Although this is exaggerated, Huang Yueli's appearance after disguise is indeed too ordinary.

And the general martial artist's disguise technique will be somewhat similar to his original appearance. Jing Shaoyuan is also because of this, so he still thinks that Huang Yueli must be very ordinary!

"But... But, the guards have just notified that Mrs. Li Shao is here..." Lan Mengqing was a little surprised.

Jing Shaoyuan snorted coldly, "I guess that woman was too scared to come out when she saw such a beautiful woman entering the arena at the same time as her? Just wait and see!"

Lan Mengqing was skeptical, but of course she hoped that what Jing Shaoyuan said was true.

That lucky woman has already monopolized such an outstanding man as Li Moying. If she is still so beautiful, she will really make women all over the world jealous of her!

As soon as Jing Shaoyuan finished speaking, Li Moying took another step forward and stepped out of the door of the banquet hall.

The stunning girl in the corridor originally looked around curiously while walking, but when she saw Li Moying's tall and straight figure, a sweet smile appeared on her face immediately.

She stepped forward quickly and walked in front of Li Moying within a few steps.

Li Moying reached out to her, looked at her tenderly, and said in a low voice, "Little Li'er, you're finally here, I thought you weren't here today!"

Huang Yueli obediently put her small hand on his reassuring big palm, and at the same time, she stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear, "I'm sorry, I had a big deal with President Liu of Tianbao Liuli Pavilion today, I forgot the time, so it's late. You don't blame me, do you?"

Li Moying squeezed her little hand and pulled her into his arms.

"How could it be? You've been tired for a day today. Even if you don't come, it's reasonable. I'm really happy that you can come with me. Otherwise, I'll be bored to death!"

Huang Yueli heard the words, hehe smiled, hooked his arms, a small smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and looked like a decent lady, so Li Moying personally welcomed her into the banquet hall.

At this moment, the entire banquet hall was silent.

Everyone stared at the pair of beautiful people who came together, and they couldn't even blink their eyes!

Such an outstanding beauty is so beautiful that it does not look like a real person. Will the person disappear in the blink of an eye?

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