Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3271 A beauty with her own appearance? (4)

Looking at her expression, Jing Shaoyuan knew that the fish had already taken the bait, and went on to say: "Li Moying actually spoiled this kind of woman and let her climb on his head, it's ridiculous! No matter what! After all, the Yunlin Clan is also a branch of our ancient God Clan, and I feel ashamed to think that this kind of woman will become the future Yunlin Clan Patriarch’s wife!”

"That's right, it's a shame!" Lan Mengqing was completely taken away by him.

Of course, the true thoughts in her heart were also the same, otherwise she wouldn't be so easily persuaded.

Jing Shaoyuan added: "However, this kind of woman with a face is easy to deal with, as long as she is shamed in public, she will be able to recognize that she is such a lowly human woman and the genius of our Protoss. Girl, how big is the gap! Today is a good opportunity!"

Hearing this, Lan Mengqing's eyes lit up, "Yes, to deal with this kind of woman, you have to give her some color! However, with Li Moying by her side, I'm afraid... she won't suffer any loss... "

Speaking of the back, Lan Mengqing couldn't help frowning.

Jing Shaoyuan had already made up his mind and threw out the plan he had long thought of at the right time.

"This is quite simple, wait a minute, go and talk to Li Moying's wife, as the daughter of the Tianhu clan, you are of the same age as them, so it's almost normal to set it up, and then you can find an opportunity to challenge that woman. !"

Lan Mengqing was startled, "You mean... challenge?? At this banquet?"

She did not expect that Jing Shaoyuan's plan was so straightforward!

Jing Shaoyuan said nonchalantly: "Challenges at banquets are not uncommon at all. Originally, during the military banquet, in the later stages, officers would challenge each other. On the one hand, the banquet was added to the fun, and on the other hand, the winner could also be in front of the main general. Showing your face is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone!"

"The reason why no one jumped out to challenge others today is because they were all shocked by what happened between Li Moying and that woman, and I just didn't remember it for a while, so it's not surprising that you came out to challenge Li Moying's wife. Moreover, both of you are of the younger generation, one is the daughter of the Tianhu clan, the other is the young lady of the Yunlin clan, and you have the same identities. If you challenge her, no one can say anything wrong!"

Hearing this, Lan Mengqing's eyes gradually lit up.

Today, she was originally the most showy woman at the entire banquet, and countless men's eyes were fixed on her.

However, ever since Huang Yueli appeared, she has been suppressed all of a sudden!

With such a beautiful and compelling peerless appearance, she didn't even have the courage to compete with him!

Originally, she could only watch Huang Yueli out of the limelight from the side, secretly jealous in her heart.

But now, Jing Shaoyuan's words gave her new hope.

That's right, no matter how beautiful that woman looks, she is nothing but a sloppy beauty!

In the realm of the gods, the strong are still respected!

If she challenges Huang Yueli, the warriors present will soon remember the fact that that woman is nothing but an embroidered pillow, and she Lan Mengqing... is the true arrogant girl with both talent and beauty!

As long as everyone thinks of this, Huang Yueli will no longer be in the spotlight.

And she, Lan Mengqing, can once again become the center of attention.

Moreover, she recently practiced diving, which happened to be a secret skill of the Tianhu Clan.

When the time comes, it will definitely be in the limelight!

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