Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3272 Lan Mengqing's challenge (1)

Lan Mengqing had countless thoughts in her mind, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this was a wonderful idea.

She nodded, "You're right, then I'll challenge her!"

After saying that, Lan Mengqing stood up from her seat and walked straight towards Huang Yueli.

Jing Shaoyuan looked at the back of his fiancee leaving, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Li Moying's eyes on women are really not good, even a vase-like woman is married, and she will be slapped in the face, so no one can blame others!

Soon, everyone will know that Jing Shaoyuan is more discerning!

Huang Yueli and Li Moying were almost full by now.

Since the two were so affectionate, their eyes were a bit hot, Xuan Jiuling couldn't help laughing aside: "Look at these two little guys, no wonder others say that Xiaobie is better than a newlywed!"

Being ridiculed by the elders like this, Huang Yueli also felt a little blush, and quickly sat down, ignoring Li Moying's expectant gaze, and determined not to peel him the grapes.

Li Moying raised her eyebrows, thinking about how to continue abducting her little fox.

Just then, there was a sound of footsteps.

He looked up and found that Lan Mengqing had come over, and immediately frowned.

Lan Mengqing was stared at by Li Moying's icy black eyes, and she was suddenly a little timid, but thinking of her purpose here, she still bit her head and continued to move forward until she stopped in front of Huang Yueli.

Huang Yueli has been sitting obediently, trying to maintain the demeanor of everyone for Li Moying's sake.

It wasn't until Lan Mengqing approached that she raised her head in surprise and looked at the person coming.

When she entered the door just now, Jing Zhihai and Lan Mengqing had already been thrown aside by Li Moying, so she didn't know who Lan Mengqing was, but when she saw that the other party was staring at her with a bit of cruelty, she felt a little intuition. Not right.

"Li Yuehuang, I want to challenge you!"

As soon as Lan Mengqing spoke, she bluntly explained her purpose.

Huang Yueli was taken aback, "Ah? You want to... challenge me?"

Which one is this singing? Isn't she here today to play a qualified vase? Don't you just need to dress up beautifully and sit next to Li Moying obediently?

After all, today is Li Moying's celebration party, not hers!

If someone challenges Li Moying, she will definitely not have any surprises.

However, someone actually challenged her? What is this?

Just when Huang Yueli was at a loss, Li Moying narrowed his eyes slightly and looked in the direction of Jing Shaoyuan.

If his eyes were real, even at such a long distance, Jing Shaoyuan felt a dull pain in his chest the moment he met his eyes!

Jing Shaoyuan covered his chest, his face changed in horror!

Li Moying actually already has the strength to turn Qi into a sword! It was several times more powerful than he imagined!


After all, the two of them were quite far apart, and Jing Shaoyuan was only slightly injured. With luck, his profound strength could easily suppress the injury.

He glanced at Li Moying provocatively, still full of confidence.

What if Li Moying is more powerful? Could he still fight for his wife?

Lan Mengqing's challenge to Huang Yueli is a matter of course, but if Li Moying takes the lead for Huang Yueli, it will be bullying the weak!

Moreover, on such an occasion, Lan Mengqing had already issued a challenge. If Huang Yueli was timid and refused, she would definitely become a laughing stock!

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