Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3277 Lan Mengqing's challenge (6)

"She won't be pissed off by Lan Mengqing, right? She actually dares to fight! The two of them are simply not at the same level. She will definitely be beaten by Lan Mengqing to find her teeth!"

"Perhaps Mrs. Li Shao doesn't know how powerful Lan Mengqing is? After all, she has only just ascended. But why didn't Li Gongzi stop her?"

"You're so easy to say! Miss Lan has said it all, but anyone who wants to face the challenge has to accept the challenge! Mrs. Li Shao can't do anything about it..."

"Hey, that's true. If Mrs. Li Shao didn't dare to take on the battle, the ones who would be lost would be Young Master Li..."

Countless discussions sounded in the banquet hall.

For a time, everything was said, and everyone was eager to express their opinions.

Originally, due to the presence of Xuan Jiuling and Meng Shurong, although the warriors in the audience were talking a lot, they were still very careful. They kept their voices low and tried their best to maintain order in the banquet hall.

However, after Huang Yueli agreed to the challenge, everyone was so excited that they couldn't care about anything else.

For a while, there was a lot of noise in the banquet hall, just like a vegetable market.

Seeing this, Meng Shurong's face darkened, and he coughed a few times!

The sound of his cough spread out through the thick profound energy, like thunder hitting the ears of the guests one by one.

The guests were all taken aback and quickly shut their mouths.

Meng Shurong glanced at Huang Yueli and confirmed to her again, "Mrs. Li Shao, are you sure you want to accept Miss Lan Mengqing's challenge?"

Huang Yueli looked calm and nodded.

Everyone's eyes stayed on her face.

Although Huang Yueli didn't have any special expressions, her face was so beautiful, so even though she was so cold, people couldn't help but feel pity for Xiangxiyu.

Even Meng Shurong couldn't help sweating for her.

However, after confirming again, Meng Shurong couldn't say anything else.

He suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Li Moying.

I saw that Li Moying frowned slightly this time, and looked in a bad mood at first glance.

How could Meng Shurong know that Li Moying was pinched by his own wife, so he was depressed and thought he was worried about Huang Yueli!

Meng Shurong thought for a while, and said in a low voice, "Young Master Li, don't worry, this kind of competition to add to the fun at a banquet is not allowed to seriously injure your opponent. Miss Lan has already promised it just now. Besides, there is also Lord Xuan and I. Look at it, it will be alright!"

Meng Shurong originally thought that letting Li Moying know that there would be no casualties in this match might reassure him.

But who knows, Li Moying frowned again, looking a little worried, and asked: "If you accidentally hurt someone, wouldn't you still hold the person responsible?"

"Cough, this... this..."

Meng Shurong was at a loss for words when he heard the words.

Although by convention, this kind of competition is all the points, but after all, the sword has no eyes, and the possibility of real injury also exists.

Moreover, the other party may not have intentionally hurt others, it is very likely that he just missed, and even if it is intentional, it cannot be determined.

Therefore, the pursuit of responsibility or something is nothing but empty talk.

Meng Shurong was a little worried that Li Moying would be worried, and was still racking his brains about how to appease him.

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