Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The 3278th chapter comprehensive rolling (1)

However, after Li Moying observed his expression, he seemed relieved.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to worry, I just ask casually, ask casually..."


Meng Shurong was dazed, and had no idea what the hell Li Moying was doing!

Knowing that it is difficult for those who hurt others to be held accountable, he still seems relieved?

Wouldn't it be because he drank too much, his mind was confused, right?

Just when Meng Shurong was confused, Huang Yueli stood up and walked towards the center of the banquet hall.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Lan Mengqing's mouth, followed behind Huang Yueli and walked off the stage together.

After hearing that the two had successfully made an appointment, the waiters rushed to the center of the banquet hall and began to arrange the venue.

Since this kind of competition has always been the practice of military banquets, the venue in the middle of this banquet hall has been reserved and can be used as a venue for competitions at any time.

The waiters were also very skilled in cleaning up, and it didn’t take long for them to empty out the space. At the same time, they also simply set up some railings and formations around the venue, so that when the two were fighting fiercely, the profound energy would escape and they would be accidentally injured. to the surrounding audience.

As soon as the two girls appeared in the center of the arena, there were cheers and cheers.

"Mrs. Li Shao, come on!"

"Miss Lan, show your skills and let that sloppy woman see the strength of our genius girl in the God Realm!"

"Mrs. Li Shao, must be careful! We will always support you!"

"Yes, Mrs. Li Shao! Come on, you won't necessarily lose!"

The warriors were divided into two camps, but there were more people who supported Huang Yueli.

I have to say that most of the guests at this banquet were all coalition officers. They were very enthusiastic when they cheered, which made Huang Yueli a little flattered.

It's just, if you listen carefully to the content of their cheers, Huang Yueli will not know whether to laugh or cry.

Those who support her don't even think she will really win!

Lan Mengqing heard the voices of the warriors and saw so many people cheering for Huang Yueli, she suddenly gritted her teeth secretly!

"This bastard from the lower world is indeed a fox who even Li Moying can hook up with, so many people support her! Isn't it just because she looks good? This kind of attitude of judging people by appearance should really be killed! "

Lan Mengqing sneered in her heart, but she never thought that she used to rely on her beauty to win more resources than others, and she has always been proud of it!

And at this moment, the person who is the most excited and happiest is actually Jing Shaoyuan!

Today, he tried to attack Li Moying several times in a row, but he was unsuccessful. Instead, he was repeatedly slapped in the face by Li Moying and Huang Yueli!

Now, it was finally Li Moying's turn and they fell into his trap!

From Jing Shaoyuan's point of view, Huang Yueli's strength is not even comparable to Lan Mengqing's finger. As long as she agrees to the challenge, she will definitely lose!

And under his provocation, Lan Mengqing hated Huang Yueli to the core, and she would definitely take the opportunity to make her lose ugly and humiliating to the extreme!

"Hahaha, Li Moying, you also have today! If you want to blame, you are a genius, but you marry such a dragging woman!" Jing Shaoyuan laughed secretly in his heart, and it took a lot of effort to keep himself from laughing right away. out loud.

After the two girls stood still, not long after, Meng Shurong's voice was uploaded from the main seat.

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