Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3416 true partners (2)

When Huang Yueli heard this, she just smiled, "Your Excellency, God General, I really overthink it, I never thought of threatening the Yunlin Clan, and I know very well that it is impossible to bargain with the Yunlin Clan with my ability. .”

Hearing what she said, Li Yunhai secretly heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that after Huang Yueli found out that they were not threatened, he gave in.

He slowed down his tone and said, "It's good that you understand. I'll take what you said just now as anger and I won't pursue it. We all understand that you have grievances against Miss Le Yun, but we can't just because of that." Just use it on your whim."

After speaking, he looked at Huang Yueli with a smile on his face, as if he was waiting for her to bow her head and admit her mistake.

Huang Yueli looked at his seemingly benevolent but actually quite hypocritical expression, and she knew it very well.

This pair of twin brothers has a tacit cooperation, one is a bad face, the other is a bad face, and they want to use both soft and hard to force her to leave the business to the Yunlin clan!

This move can be said to be quite vicious. If she is really a young girl who has not experienced much in the world, she may be under such pressure and obey their wishes.

But unfortunately, what they met was Huang Yueli.

Huang Yueli hated being coerced by others the most, not to mention, the remarks made by the two generals just now who thought they wanted Huang Yueli to be Li Moying's side wife had already annoyed Huang Yueli.

She quietly listened to the two generals finished speaking, and then replied unhurriedly: "I understand the kindness of the two generals, it's not enough, I'm not acting on my own will. As you said, this business is right It is insignificant to the Yunlin clan, so you don't have to be so persistent, anyway, I have already thought about it, and it is useless for you to say anything."

Li Yunhai's expression also changed all of a sudden!

He thought he was condescending to talk to Huang Yueli, and even made an exception and promised her a lot of benefits, but she was really so ignorant!

Without even blinking an eye, he insisted on refusing.

Li Yuntao snorted coldly on the spot, and said in a bad tone: "Miss Li, you don't want to toast and refuse to eat fine wine! My brother is kind-hearted and persuades you well, so you think we are really afraid of you and there is no law to rule you Do you think that if you say that this business does not belong to the Yunlin clan, it really does not belong to the Yunlin clan? Don’t forget that when you signed up for the competition today, you said that you came here on behalf of the Yunlin clan It's not that you can deny it if you want to deny it temporarily!"

After Li Yuntao said this, he turned to look at Master Xiao.

"Master Xiao, what do you say about this matter? Please tell me! As the first-class Tianbao Grandmaster of Tianbao Liuli Pavilion, your old man has always been fair and just. You have also seen what happened today. This little girl represents the Yunlin Clan in the competition Afterwards, now that they are unwilling to hand over the business to the Yunlin Clan, is it okay to go back on their word? If all the spirit weapon masters in Tianbao Liuli Pavilion are like this, who would dare to cooperate with you in the future?"

Li Yuntao said this very bluntly, if it were different, Master Xiao would definitely be very angry.

But at this moment, he felt speechless and didn't know how to refute.

Because even Master Xiao felt that what Huang Yueli did was a little unkind.

Although Tianbao Liuli Pavilion is known for protecting its weaknesses, most of the time it will support the spiritual weapon masters in the pavilion, but if the spiritual weapon masters are obviously at fault, things will be difficult to handle.

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