Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3417 true partners (3)

Master Xiao thought for a while before looking at Huang Yueli.

"Mrs. Li, this really a bit out of order! The old man explained the rules of the competition from the very beginning, and the spirit weapon masters who signed up can only represent their own forces in the competition. If you change your mind temporarily, it is really not very good Appropriate. Although Ms. Li is eager to win today and she is a little impulsive in doing things, but this has little to do with the two generals, you should think about it again!"

Master Xiao admired Huang Yueli's talent very much, moreover, he was upright by nature, and he couldn't understand the high-ranking big family style of the Yunlin clan, so Huang Yueli refused to bow his head to the Yunlin clan, he could understand to a certain extent of.

Therefore, he did not speak harshly.

However, no matter how calm his tone was, his position was still quite clear.

Master Xiao also believed that Huang Yueli should cooperate with the Yunlin Clan, and it is not advisable to temporarily change his mind.

Li Yuntao was a little dissatisfied with Master Xiao's obvious eccentricity, so he couldn't help but glared at him, and then said: "Miss Li, you heard it too, the rules of Master Xiao's competition are like this, and we have talked about this , No matter how strong your words are, it is useless. Besides, if you fight against the Yunlin clan, the only one who suffers is yourself, so you should think about it carefully!"

Li Yuntao and the others clashed with Huang Yueli again, and many martial artists from the major forces were reluctant to leave. They stopped to eavesdrop on the content of the dispute between the two sides, and discussed with each other in private.

"What does Mrs. Li mean by this? Do you really want to renege on the debt? It is impossible for Master Xiao to allow her to do this, right?"

"I really don't know why she wants to do this? This business will eventually belong to the Yunlin clan. It is meaningless for her to do so!"

"Isn't it? Although it's very cool to keep the two imposing six-star generals from stepping down in front of the public, but if she returns to the Yunlin clan with Young Master Li in the future, this will be the end. You have made two enemies! The energy of the two Daoxuan realm warriors in the family is definitely not small, and she is not worth the loss!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and they were all anxious for Huang Yue.

If it wasn't inappropriate for outsiders like them to speak on such occasions, I'm afraid they would have to go over to persuade them in person.

And Master Xiao, who was the only one qualified to speak, directly persuaded him.

He pulled Huang Yueli closer, "Mrs. Li, I want to tell you something from the bottom of my heart..."

He just opened his head when Huang Yueli shook his head.

"Master Xiao, you have good intentions, the juniors don't understand. If I really represent the Yunlin clan, I will definitely not regret it now. But, did you remember something wrong? When I signed up for the competition earlier, I never said that I would represent the Yunlin Clan in the competition! Why do you all insist that I am the spirit weapon master of the Yunlin Clan?"

Huang Yueli's tone was full of doubts, and there was an innocent expression on her face.

Master Xiao looked confused, "What? What do you mean?"

Huang Yueli explained: "The situation at that time was like this! Please remember carefully again?"

Master Xiao frowned tightly, recalling the situation at that time, "Let me think about it, you said you wanted to participate in the competition, but according to the rules, you must first prove that the forces behind you are capable of undertaking such a big business before you can participate in the competition." , so the old man raised a question..."

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