Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3420 true partners (6)

"This is interesting? What is the force behind you? Why don't you tell me?"

Li Yuntao didn't believe that such a thing would happen at all, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he asked back.

Huang Yueli said with a smile: "The force I represent is..."

Her eyes flicked over the heads of the major forces who were about to leave but stopped halfway at the door one by one, and finally stopped on Xuan Qingling.

"... Xuanwu Clan!"

Li Leyun and the two god generals had expressions of sarcasm on their faces, and they looked at Huang Yueli leisurely, wanting to hear what she could say next!

But who knew, when Huang Yueli opened her mouth, everyone froze on the spot.

Such an answer is really unexpected.

"Xuanwu Clan? What does Mrs. Li have to do with the Xuanwu Clan?"

"What's going on here? Is she really representing the Xuanwu clan?"

"Don't be naive, how is this possible! I think Mrs. Li is saying that on purpose, to anger Li Leyun and the others, right? But, it's meaningless to do so?"

"Indeed, she is too stupid to do so!"

"No, wait a minute, who said there's no point in doing this?"

Everyone was discussing in low voices. After a series of surprises, they thought about it and suddenly realized that what Huang Yueli said was not just talking nonsense, but...

There were very few people from the Xuanwu clan today, apart from servants like maids and guards, only Xuan Qingling, an elder of the Daoxuan realm of the Xuanwu clan, was able to take care of things.

When they heard Huang Yueli's words, both of them were taken aback for a moment, subconsciously wanting to deny it.

The dispute between Huang Yueli and Li Yuntao was an internal strife among the Yunlin clan. As one of the twelve great god clans, they were not suitable to get involved. Besides, Xuan Qingling had a very indifferent temperament, so he didn't bother to meddle in other people's business.

However, before Xuan Qingling could speak, Huang Yueli suddenly coughed heavily again, and said loudly: "The people from the Xuanwu tribe discussed with me yesterday, and asked me to represent the Xuanwu tribe to participate in the competition. Take this business with me. The Xuanwu clan is an ancient god clan, such a big force, is it powerful enough?"

Xuan Qingling's eyes widened, looked at Huang Yueli, and found that the sweet and charming girl smiled slightly at her, her big beautiful eyes blinked, as if she wanted to say something.

Xuan Qingling's mind flashed like lightning!

Immediately, she responded, "That's right, that's how it is! Mrs. Li made an agreement with us in advance. Therefore, our Xuanwu tribe only sent me a spiritual weapon master to compete this time, and the other position is reserved for Li Shao." Ma'am, it's just that it's urgent, and I didn't have time to make it clear before the competition!"

The elders of the Xuanwu clan did not expect that Xuan Qingling would say that, and the astonishment flashed across his face.

However, everyone is a smart person, so naturally they reacted quickly.

Judging from Huang Yueli's tone, this is going to hand over this big business to the Xuanwu clan!

Originally, Elder Xuan had completely given up.

No matter how fiercely Huang Yueli and Li Leyun fight today, it is also the matter of the Yunlin clan, and their Xuanwu clan will definitely not get any benefits this time.

But now, a big pie fell from the sky!

Whoever doesn't catch it is a fool!

Elder Xuan hurriedly said: "Yes, Mrs. Li heard that the quota for the Yunlin clan is full, and she really wants to participate in the competition, so she came to discuss with us!"

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