Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3421 true partners (7)

"I didn't expect Mrs. Li to have such a high level of refining. I just saw her as a poor girl, so I decided to help her. Anyway, the quota is vacant!"

As Elder Xuan spoke, the corners of his mouth almost went behind his ears!

There is such a good thing in the world, it is really my wife's luck!

Especially before the start of today's competition, Li Leyun even ran to Xuan Qingling to demonstrate. At that time, Elder Xuan couldn't stand it anymore, but because there were two generals from the Yunlin clan, he didn't dare to tear himself apart with them. .

As a result, unexpectedly, Feng Shui took turns, and the turns were too fast!

In the end, the business fell into the pockets of their Xuanwu clan.

Li Yuntao was so angry that his whole body was trembling, he looked at Elder Xuan and Xuan Qingling with cold eyes, his eyes almost burst into flames! If eyes could kill, maybe Xuan Qingling and the others would have fallen to the ground.

"Xuan Zifan, Xuan Qingling! You two don't meddle in the affairs of our Yunlin Clan! You really meddle! Do you think this god will believe such nonsense? Why do you want to help that stinky girl?"

Elder Xuan Zifan said with a smile: "I just said that this is called doing good deeds every day. I didn't expect to get such a big business. So, good intentions are rewarded! Brother Yuntao should also do more good deeds." , don't always get entangled in the petty matters of the family, and you're not the three aunts and six wives, but you still care about the nonsense of the younger generation getting married and having children?"

Li Yuntao almost passed over on the spot!

All the martial artists from the major forces who watched almost burst out laughing.

Look at what Feng Feng said sarcastically, how level is he, he really deserves to be the elder of the ancient protoss.

This statement is really too embarrassing, and "do good deeds every day", I don't know who will believe this statement! Moreover, he also referred to Li Yuntao, a dignified six-star general, as a three aunt and six wife, and the slap in the face was really loud.

Moreover, the other side of Xuan Zifan satirizing Li Yuntao's meddling was actually showing his favor to Huang Yueli and speaking for her.

Of course, it is understandable for him to do so.

If they were in other factions, they would definitely stand by her side and support her if they received such a generous gift from Huang Yueli for no reason.

Thinking of this, the principals of the major forces felt a little depressed again.

Because the people of the Xuanwu tribe are so lucky!

Huang Yueli didn't want to cooperate with the Yunlin Clan, so she randomly found a participating faction to cooperate with. However, the Yunlin Clan participated, and other factions also participated!

The same is to choose one side to cooperate, how can the Xuanwu tribe be so lucky to be selected by Huang Yueli?

Could it be because they only sent one spirit weapon master to compete?

Thinking of this, the major forces all beat their chests and stamped their feet, regretting so much!

What's the use of sending out so many useless spirit weapon masters from your own forces? Had I known they would send one too! Maybe she can also get Huang Yueli's blue eyes!

Li Yuntao was ridiculed by Xuan Zifan, so he almost didn't bring it up.

Li Yunhai was calmer and could only stand up to support his elder brother, "Elder Xuan, you have made up your mind to turn against the Yunlin clan for a business deal?"

Before Xuan Zifan opened his mouth, Xuan Qingling said with a faint smile: "General Li Shen's words are too much! Mrs. Li is a person, and the younger generation appreciates it very much. Is there anything wrong with cooperating with friends?"

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