Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3422 true partners (8)

After hearing this, Li Yunhai's face turned green, but he had nothing to say.

People say they are good girlfriends, what's the point of starting a business together? It's not surprising that you represent your best friend's family to participate in the competition, right?

Although everyone present knew it was fake, it was impossible to refute it!

Huang Yueli also laughed, and it was a rare sincere smile today.

The people of the Xuanwu clan reacted really quickly, and they matched her so seamlessly with just a few glances, especially Xuan Qingling, who was really an interesting girl.

She likes this seemingly deserted but actually calm personality!

Huang Yueli turned to Master Xiao, and cupped her hands, "Master Xiao, now that the problems have been resolved, there shouldn't be any changes, right? Tomorrow, I will come over with Miss Xuan and Elder Xuan to discuss the details of cooperation."

Master Xiao looked at the scene in front of him, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

He nodded helplessly and said: "Okay, the old man knows. Just follow what Mrs. Li said!"

Master Xiao's words can be said to be the final word.

Today's competition was really full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and the final result was beyond everyone's expectations.

Originally, the Yunlin Clan was destined to be the biggest winner today, even if there was a dispute, it was just an internal fight between Huang Yueli and Li Leyun, but who would have thought that Huang Yueli would choose to cooperate with the Xuanwu Clan in the end!

Many people lamented that today's good show was really enjoyable to watch!

After exchanging greetings with Master Xiao, Huang Yueli immediately walked to Xuan Qingling's side.

She has a good impression of Xuan Qingling. Besides, the two parties will cooperate for a long time in the future, and it is very necessary to establish a good relationship with their business partners.

She leaned over and whispered, "Miss Xuan, you reacted so fast today! I was afraid that you wouldn't understand me just now!"

Xuan Qingling glanced at her, "Mrs. Li, is it really okay for you to do this? After all, the Yunlin clan is Young Master Li's mother clan... Even if you don't worry about the Yunlin clan, don't you also worry about Young Master Li?" ?”

Many warriors have Xuan Qingling's question.

Most people felt that Huang Yueli was still young after all, although doing this to relieve anger, it was too impulsive.

The Yunlin clan has suffered such a big loss and lost such a big person, not to mention that people in the family will have opinions on her, even Li Moying will be angry because of this, and thus turn her cold.

Huang Yueli blinked and looked at Xuan Qingling's profile.

She still had a cold and expressionless face, and the corners of her mouth didn't even twitch, but what she said meant that she really cared about her.

After all, if Huang Yueli was afraid of Li Moying's anger and repented, the Xuanwu clan would suffer. Xuan Qingling didn't need to remind her, but she still did.

Huang Yueli smiled, and said: "Miss Xuan, you don't have to worry about this. I just hope that the Xuanwu clan can have enough spirit weapon masters to ensure that the agreed number of spirit weapons will be handed over on time every year."

Seeing that she refused to speak, Xuan Qingling didn't press her further.

She nodded, "Madam Li can rest assured!"

In fact, Huang Yueli was really at ease, because she chose the Xuanwu tribe as her partner, and it wasn't just random selection for the sake of revenge for the Yunlin tribe as outsiders thought. In fact, before the start of today's competition, she I had already decided to cooperate with the Xuanwu tribe, and I did a lot of research in advance and collected a lot of information.

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