Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3423 The lady has the final say (1)

Xuan Qingling of the Xuanwu tribe is a very well-known genius for refining weapons in the God Realm, and his reputation is much louder than that of Li Leyun.

Originally, Huang Yueli expected that if she did not participate in the competition, Xuan Qingling would be the first.

In fact, Xuan Qingling's performance today was almost the same as Li Leyun's.

It's just that Li Leyun is more cunning, took advantage of a loophole, violated the rules of the competition, found a spirit weapon master from the coalition army, and secretly trained her, so she was able to narrowly beat Xuan Qingling.

In addition to this factor, the Xuanwu clan is also a family that has always been known for its stability and honesty.

Although the number of masters in the clan is not as many as other families, almost every famous master has a positive reputation, and there are almost no family scum.

Such partners are obviously more reliable.

Huang Yueli never considered the Yunlin Clan from the beginning.

"Of course I'm relieved when you say that. By the way, tomorrow..."

Huang Yueli was about to finalize tomorrow's affairs with Xuan Qingling, but at this moment, a guard ran over from the corridor in a hurry, looking like there was something urgent.

Upon seeing this, Master Xiao immediately frowned.

"What's going on? Why are you in such a hurry? There are so many distinguished guests in the manor today, what if we bump into a guest?"

The guard hurriedly bowed and saluted, "Master, just now a young warrior came to the gate of the mansion. He said he was the young master of the Yunlin clan. Because the lady has not returned to our mansion for a long time, she came here to find someone..."

"Ah!" Huang Yueli exclaimed suddenly, and then quickly covered her mouth.

She looked up at the sky outside and found that it was already pitch black.

When the competition ended today, it was already evening, and because of the results of the competition, there were several arguments, which dragged on for a long time, and before they knew it, it was already dark.

Huang Yueli turned her head and said to Xuan Qingling: "Miss Xuan, I have something urgent to go back first, tomorrow's matter..."

She didn't even finish her farewell words when she heard a few suppressed gasps from her side.

"This... Could this be..."

"My God, this is really... well-deserved reputation!"

"Now I finally understand why there are two genius girls who robbed him so recklessly..."

After hearing this, Huang Yueli had a bad feeling.

Looking back, I saw that Li Moying couldn't wait any longer, and walked in from the outside, and walked straight to the hall where they were.

This man is a born king, with a strong aura and an amazing sense of presence.

As long as he stands there, everyone's eyes will fall on him involuntarily.

Xuan Qingling also saw Li Moying, even though she had such a cold and ruthless personality, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows in surprise.

It is no longer a secret that the Yunlin clan has god-level geniuses.

However, many people have heard of Li Moying, but very few have actually seen his face.

After seeing him today, everyone finally realized what it is to be truly the proud son of heaven.

Li Moying was wearing a black robe inlaid with gold, and a black crown on her head. Her handsome facial features could not find any flaws.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Li Moying does not have the strength of a god-level genius and the identity of the young master of the Yunlin Clan, with just this appearance, countless noble ladies from the God Realm can bow down under his robe.

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