Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3470 kill them (7)

Huang Sanbai still had a kind smile on his face, "Young man, I still have a few questions that I don't understand. Please come out with me again."

"Sir, please tell me!"

The waiter had already regarded him as a lifesaver, and without doubting him, he followed him and left without hesitation.

Huang Sanbai took him to a secluded corner, and immediately asked: "Do you still remember that those six people at that time asked you anything besides the chalcedony vein?"

The waiter in the shop said with a bitter face: "Master, the younger ones have already said everything, and they asked about the dark market. I really can't think of anything else!"

"Oh? They really didn't ask anything? Do you still remember what they said at that time?" Huang Sanbai asked.

The shop clerk shook his head, with a blank expression on his face, "This... I don't have a good memory, I really can't remember..."

"In this case, only the old man can help you think about it!"

When the waiter heard this, his whole body trembled!

For some reason, he suddenly felt that this voice made him chill from the bottom of his heart!

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly felt that the amiable face of the old man in front of him suddenly became grim, and two red lights seemed to appear in his eyes...

The next moment, his head buzzed and he lost consciousness.

Huang Sanbai put one hand on Xiaoer's forehead, her gray eyebrows were tightly knit together, she used her spiritual sense to probe into Xiaoer's mind, searching for his memory thoroughly.

All the things that the shop Xiaoer encountered this morning formed a picture and flashed before his eyes one by one.

"It really is Li Moying who came! The man next to him... Tsk tsk, I never thought that such a beautiful woman like Huang Yueli would be willing to dress herself up like this..."

"Sure enough, I asked about the dark market, and then asked about the chalcedony vein..."


When Huang Sanbai saw the end, he suddenly got a jolt and woke up.

"They also mentioned the bones west of Boulevard Town at the end... what's west of Boulevard Town?"

Huang Sanbai read the memory of Xiao Er's shop several times, and his eyes became deeper and deeper.

Finally, as soon as he let go of his hand, the waiter's body fell limply on the ground, his eyes were full of emptiness, like a dementia.

Huang Sanbai didn't even look at him, and muttered to himself, "Looking at the expressions of Li Moying and the others, I guess the place they are looking for is to the west of Linyin Town! For hundreds of years , a place where countless people died, hehe, how could it be an ordinary place! Maybe it is some kind of secret realm of ancient warriors! No wonder, even the young master of the Yunlin clan condescends to come to this ghostly place..."

"Hehe, God is going to help me! This time, not only can I kill the two scourges Li Moying and Huang Yueli, but maybe I can also enter the secret realm to make a fortune! Huang Yueli, Huang Yueli! Yueli, I really have to thank you very much!"

After Huang Sanbai figured it out, he turned around and was about to leave.

Halfway through, he suddenly turned his head again, took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, and sprinkled a handful of dark yellow powder on the waiter.

Dian Xiaoer's body then began to dissipate, turning into a puddle of foul-smelling liquid.

"Anyway, after being soul-searched, even if you live, you can only be a dementia. The old man will give you a good time, so as to save you from staying in this world and suffering!"

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