Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The first chapter crisis 3471 (1)

On the other side, Huang Yueli and Li Moying led the four guards, and after leaving the Forest City, they first walked about three li toward the south.

After confirming that no one was following them, they turned secretly in the dense forest and headed west.

In the dense forest of the barren land, there are all kinds of spirit beasts everywhere, as well as various poisonous gases and traps, and every step is difficult.

However, the six of them are all very experienced warriors, and they have maps in their hands, so their speed is not too slow.

About another fifteen or six miles away, Huang Yueli paused.

"Wait, look what's ahead?"

A few people took a closer look, and found that there were several corpses beside the big tree in front of them, all of which had been completely dried up, leaving only thick white bones, which looked particularly creepy.

Li Tianer cupped his hands and said: "Young master, my subordinates go over and have a look."

Huang Yueli had been staring at the big tree from a distance, not paying attention to the situation.

It wasn't until Li Tianer came near the big tree that she suddenly reacted and shouted: "Wait, brother Tianer, we can't go any further, stop quickly!"

Li Tianer was startled and stopped quickly.

However, it was too late.

When he wanted to withdraw, he suddenly found that his legs could not move at all. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move a step!

"Tian Er, you...your legs!" Li Tianyi gasped.

Li Tianer looked down, and found that his legs had turned into stones, and the process of turning into stones had not stopped, and was still spreading towards his upper body.

Even though Li Tianer was well-informed, his face was already pale with fright at this time.

"Young... young master, this... this... help... help!"

"Tian Er, don't move, I'll save you..."

Li Tianyi and Li Tianer are blood brothers, they have always been brothers and sisters, they don't care about other things, they just want to save people.

This time, Huang Yueli had sharp eyes and quick hands, and immediately grabbed him, "You can't go!"

"Young madam, that's my younger brother! Let go!" Li Tianyi flicked his sleeves suddenly, trying to shake Huang Yueli away, but he felt a strong force coming from his shoulders, restraining him. It hurt his meridians, making him unable to move anymore.

Li Moying's voice came from behind him, "Didn't you hear the young lady?"

"But, young master, Tian Er, he..."

Li Tianyi wanted to say more, but the petrification process of Li Tianer's body was too fast. At this time, almost all of his body had turned into rock, no different from a stone sculpture.

If one didn't know Li Tianer's real appearance, no one would have imagined that the stone sculpture in front of him was a living warrior just ten breaths ago!

This scene happened so fast, the remaining few people all had expressions of horror on their faces!

Li Moying let go of Li Tianyi, and Li Tianyi slumped down on the ground.

Huang Yueli took a deep breath and said, "Brother Tian, ​​it's not that I want to stop you from saving my younger brother, but you can't do anything if you go over now! He's been invaded by evil spirits! You just go over there , can't save people, but will end up like him!"

Li Tianyi also knew this truth, but he still couldn't accept such a result.

"But, my younger he really hopeless? Young master, I beg you to find a way. The second brother is loyal to you. You must save him!"

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