Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3622 Liu Buyan's encounter (5)

A spiritual pharmacist reaching the holy level is almost the same as a spiritual weapon master reaching the level of Tianbao Grandmaster.

If Liu Buyan is already at the holy level, then he is even stronger than Huang Yueli!

Huang Yueli has not been able to refine the treasure until now!

However, Liu Buyan had never been reborn, so in terms of bone age, he was much older than Huang Yueli.

Liu Buyan shook his head and said, "Where did you think you were? If I was really a genuine holy-level pharmacist, I would have gone to the Temple of Heaven for elixir in exchange for a badge. Why would I be picked on by that kid surnamed Lu?" humiliation?"

Huang Yueli thought about it too, and couldn't help but feel strange, "But, your clear fire breathing pills... are very perfect in appearance!"

Liu Buyan explained: "Qinghuo Shengxi Pill is actually the only holy elixir that I can successfully refine. In the place where I received the inheritance, I saw the refining method of Qinghuo Shengxi Pill improved by the Baize clan. I got the fire seed of the Pure Spirit Fire, one of the different fires inherited by the Baize tribe. This kind of different fire has a strong additive effect when refining the Qinghuo Shengxi Pill. Only by adding various factors together can I make the Pill The medicine is refined."

"If I change to other holy-level pills, I can't do anything. I can't even refine all kinds of heaven-level pills successfully."

After listening, Huang Yueli couldn't help frowning.

There was nothing wrong with what Liu Buyan said.

Spirit medicine masters are somewhat different from spirit weapon masters.

When the level of spirit weapon masters is relatively low, in fact, they only need to master more than a dozen standard spirit weapon refining methods. Because for ordinary warriors, the standard spirit weapon can meet the needs of more than 90% of people. Those who have special requirements for the spirit weapon need to be customized, and they are usually strong people above the Dao Profound Realm. Once these people customize the spirit weapon, At least it must be at the level of a treasure, and that is the ability that only Grandmaster Tianbao needs to master.

However, pills are different. Whether it is an ordinary warrior or a top expert, there are various types of pills that are needed. There are hundreds of pills circulated in the God Realm.

Liu Buyan has not been in the God Realm for a long time, and it is normal that he does not know how to refine many elixirs.

However, Huang Yueli originally had high hopes for Liu Buyan, but now she is about to be disappointed.

"Hey, so it's hard for you to pass the elixir competition held by the Yunlin clan?"

As soon as Huang Yueli finished speaking, Liu Buyan raised her eyebrows.

"How do you know that I came this time just to sign up for the competition?"

"Ah? Are you here to participate in the competition?" Huang Yueli was surprised.

Liu Buyan's eyes turned around her face, and slowly said: "I was just skeptical at first... Now it seems that I guessed right. This young master of the Yunlin clan who was seriously injured and unconscious, Is it Li Moying?"

Huang Yueli was startled, "That's right, you guessed it a long time ago?"

She has the blood of the Holy Phoenix clan, which is no secret in Tianling Continent, but few people know about Li Moying's blood of the Yunlin clan.

However, Liu Buyan had too much contact with them, even if the two didn't say it clearly, it's not surprising that he could see it.

Liu Buyan nodded solemnly, "After I arrived in the God Realm, the first thing I heard was the reputation of the young master of the Yunlin Clan, saying that he was the number one genius in tens of thousands of years in the God Realm! The time also coincides with Li Moying's. At that time, I suspected it was him, but I'm not sure yet."

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