Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3623 Liu Buyan's encounter (6)

"In the Tianling Continent, Li Moying is of course the number one strongest person, but in the God Realm, he can still be so strong? To be honest, even I don't really believe it."

When Huang Yueli heard this, she couldn't help but curl her lips into a smile, "Of course my husband is powerful enough, no one else can compare!"

For Li Moying, she has always been full of confidence.

Liu Buyan cut it off, and said very disdainfully: "OK, OK, your husband is the most powerful, can you?"

"Of course!" Huang Yueli replied arrogantly.

Liu Buyan turned his gaze away contemptuously, refusing to be stuffed with this kind of sweet and greasy dog ​​food again.

He continued on his own: "Anyway, I have heard a lot of rumors about the young master of the Yunlin Clan. He is so handsome that he has attracted countless noble ladies from the God Clan. He is so talented in the Thunder Element that he even killed the middle-stage Omen. Mozu. These words sound more and more like him, but I still don't understand..."

"What is it that I don't understand?" Huang Yue asked strangely.

Liu Buyan glanced at her, and said coolly: "It is said that the young master of the Yunlin clan is suave, and there are countless aristocratic ladies who pursue him. However, the Yunlin clan intends to let him marry within the family, or I have already found several candidates for his fiancée... Then I am surprised, the Li Moying I know got married early tomorrow!"

"Uh, this...cough cough!" Huang Yueli coughed awkwardly, "This is just a misunderstanding, it's a rumor! Well, it can't be said that it's all a rumor, the Yunlin clan did choose a fiancée for him, but, Mo Ying has been with me all this time, and has never paid any attention to them."

Liu Buyan snorted softly, "Junior Sister, you won't be fooled by Li Moying, right? Let me tell you, this kind of man who is too handsome and too strong has too many temptations outside, so it's hard to guarantee that he won't make mistakes." !"

When Huang Yueli heard this, she was not angry at all, she just gave Liu Buyan a funny look.

When he was in the lower realm, Liu Buyan liked to dismantle Li Moying's platform, and he still does the same now.

She naturally knew what kind of person Li Moying was, and it was impossible for her to doubt her husband because of this.

"Brother, you envy us being a couple, so there's no need to do that! Since you've been asking about Mo Ying for so long, you should have heard about it. Later, he found a wife by himself, and almost fell out with his family. Come on!"

Seeing that Huang Yueli couldn't take the bait, Liu Buyan was slightly disappointed.

However, he didn't take it to heart, and said directly: "You are smart, I did hear people say later that Li Moying brought a human girl to Tianhu Island, and said that it was his wife married in the lower realm. I also don't understand how you, a genius girl from the Holy Phoenix clan, turned into a human race. However, I can confirm your identities at this time. After all, it is no coincidence that so many evidences come together to explain gone."

Upon hearing this, Huang Yueli smiled and nodded.

"So, you came to Yunlin Continent on purpose this time, and you plan to sign up for the Yunlin Clan's elixir competition, just to save Moying?"

"Uh... this..."

A look of embarrassment flashed across Liu Buyan's face, "Well, I did rush here on purpose, but I didn't come here on purpose to save Li Moying, I just wanted to see if this kid is dead? What if something goes wrong? Whatever happens, I can abduct you, Junior Sister."

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