Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3633 I have a way (4)

Even though he had made some preparations, he still couldn't bear the power of the Phoenix True Fire.

Because Xiao Wangcai was grateful to him for speaking for him just now, it was rare and generous to share a part of the purest natal true fire in his body.

Phoenix's natal true fire is very rare. It is also Phoenix's true fire, and its power can be divided into big and small. This is the most powerful one!

Even for Huang Yueli, it was only through scheming and deceit that she got it from Xiaofenghuang.

It was rare for Xiao Wangcai to be generous, but to Liu Buyan, it was not only a good thing, but also a huge pressure!

Because, the higher the level of abnormal fire, the more difficult it is to absorb.

When Huang Yueli absorbed Phoenix True Fire before, Xiao Wangcai said that even in the Holy Phoenix Clan, there are not many warriors who can successfully control Phoenix True Fire, not to mention that Liu Buyan majored in wood attribute Gongfa?

However, it is too late to say this now.

The phoenix real fire sprayed out by Xiao Wangcai has already fallen into Liu Buyan's palm, and is rapidly penetrating into his body.

Liu Buyan waited in full force, and quickly circulated the profound power in his body, trying to bring the best of this strange fire into his dantian.

However, he was obviously powerless.

In just a few breaths, Liu Buyan's face flushed red, and the sweat dripped down from his forehead one by one, leaving a small puddle on the ground soon.

Huang Yueli's face changed slightly, she rushed to the right behind Liu Buyan, and reached out to pat his back.

Fortunately, Liu Buyan didn't have any defenses against her, so she easily penetrated into his meridians.

Huang Yueli tested the situation in Liu Buyan's body, as expected, such a powerful fire attribute energy was not something Liu Buyan could easily bear, his meridians were not strong enough, and the exercises used to transform the fire attribute energy were not enough. Not great.

Huang Yueli tried to help Liu Buyan stabilize the profound energy in her body, but the effect was not very good.

She also broke out in sweat, but Liu Buyan's face became more and more purple.

Going on like this... is not an option!

Huang Yueli frowned, and realized that she was a little overbearing. Before he had time to explain clearly to Xiao Wangcai and Liu Buyan, he let them enter the process of transferring the fire by themselves.

She originally thought that with Xiao Wangcai's usually stingy and stingy character, it would be nice to be able to give some of the most ordinary Phoenix real fire, but who knows, he didn't know what medicine he took wrongly today, and suddenly became so generous!

Even the true fire of life was brought out!

She thought for a while, leaned closer to Liu Buyan's ear, and said, "Senior brother, the fire that Xiao Wangcai gave you is too powerful. Even if I protect you, it is an external force after all, and the effect is very limited. The best The way is to learn to control these energies by yourself... Next, I will teach you a set of exercises, and you should do it according to the instructions..."

As Huang Yueli spoke, she quickly recited a set of formulas.

This set of exercises was found by her in the collection of the Evil Shadow Saint. It can be said to be a first-class fire attribute exercise. It is not an easy task to practice it completely.

However, Huang Yueli had already read it once, and when she recounted it, she made some simplifications based on her own understanding, plus she helped Liu Buyan control the flow of fire attribute energy in her body, and the difficulty of cultivation also dropped significantly. up.

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