Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3634 I have a way (5)

But even so, it took Liu Buyan a long time to barely learn a part.

On the contrary, Huang Yueli gradually figured out some tricks during this period of time.

She already had Phoenix True Fire in her body, and after several years of refinement, she was able to use it very freely. These flames could just complement each other with the chaotic Phoenix True Fire in Liu Buyan's body.

With the help of this factor, Huang Yueli helped Liu Buyan guide the fire attribute energy in his body.

I don't know how long it took before Liu Buyan's expression returned to normal.

He let out a long breath, "My God! It turns out that absorbing the real fire of the phoenix is ​​such a dangerous thing! No wonder it is called the number one strange fire in the world!"

Huang Yueli said with some guilt: "Brother, blame me for not reminding you, I was negligent. Are you feeling alright?"

Liu Buyan heard the words, closed his eyes slightly, felt the flow of profound energy in his body, and when he opened his eyes again, his eyes were full of joy.

"Good! I feel good! It can't be better! Junior Sister, what kind of exercise did you teach me? Why is it so powerful? To be honest, I also spent a lot of effort in practicing fire attribute exercises in order to improve the elixir technique. However, the effect has not been very good! However, today, my cultivation base in the fire attribute has improved by a big step!"

Huang Yueli nodded in satisfaction, and said: "This is a book of exercises I got in the cave of the Evil Shadow Saint. I just recounted part of it temporarily. You can take the whole book. If you can practice With success, the strength can definitely be greatly improved!"

Liu Buyan took the exercises from her, was surprised and delighted, and thanked repeatedly.

"Junior Sister, you are really amazing! You have only been in the God Realm for more than half a year, and you have already obtained so many good things."

Huang Yueli raised the corners of her mouth with a proud expression, "Of course, I practiced with my husband! Of course I'm much stronger than you alone!"

The desperation in her words was too obvious.

Liu Buyan immediately covered his chest, feeling as if he had been shot in the heart by an arrow!

If you disagree, you will abuse the dog!

Can you be a little civic-minded?

However, Huang Yueli didn't pay attention to his expression, and continued on her own, "You were able to subdue Phoenix True Fire with the help of external force, so it might be a little difficult to control, and you need to work hard during this period of time." Only by practicing can we ensure a stable performance on the day of the competition."

When it came to business, Liu Buyan's expression immediately became serious.

He nodded cautiously, "Junior Sister, don't worry, I will definitely not slack off. It's just..."

As he spoke, he showed a look of embarrassment again, "It's just that the phoenix fire alone can increase my strength by half a level at most, and I'm afraid it's not enough to compete with a real holy-level pharmacist! "

Huang Yueli smiled, and said: "Actually, I have another idea, but I don't know how useful it will be."

"Idea? What idea?" Liu Buyan was taken aback.

Huang Yueli said: "Brother, on the way here, did you hear that a spirit weapon master in the Tianbao Liuli Pavilion invented a new method of refining weapons, which increased the power of all standard spirit weapons by several percent?"

Liu Buyan was stunned again, "This... I seem to have heard about it, but, this and I..."

Having said that, he suddenly paused.

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