Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The 3658th chapter amazing skills (2)

"Then what should I do?" Liu Buyan asked.

Huang Yueli thought for a while, then said: "You can refine a few pills that calm the mind, clear away heat and reduce fire. Just leave the rest to me!"

Liu Buyan had already taken out a pen and paper, planning to write down all the important things Huang Yueli told him, for fear that he would forget, but who knows, he heard such words in the end.

He widened his eyes, "...ah? You... aren't you a Spirit Artifact Master!!"


three days later.

Early in the morning, the open space at the entrance of Ziji Hall was full of people.

Almost all warriors from Chongzi City rushed over, just to see the final result of this competition.

Everyone understands that today is the time for all the pharmacists to show their true skills! Who is strong and who is weak, just look at the effect of the treatment, it will be clear at a glance!

Huang Yueli and Liu Buyan came together, so they arrived early and occupied a position with a good view.

In the competition venue, the pharmacists who entered the third round had already arrived, and not far in front of them was the patient they were going to treat this time.

After selecting the patients for diagnosis and treatment last time, although they could not take the patients back, the Yunlin clan specially issued badges for each elixir to enter and exit a specific area of ​​the Ziji Hall, allowing them to travel within these three days. Go to see the patients you choose for treatment at any time.

Now, everyone is ready and waiting to be verified one by one.

Li Shihong and others soon appeared on the high platform, and immediately, the final round of competition officially began.

When selecting patients, they started with Liu Buyan who was the highest ranked patient, but when verifying the effect of the treatment, they started with the last one, and Liu Buyan became the last one.

So, for the whole morning, he sat in his seat, bored watching other elixir masters perform.

The few elixir masters at the beginning performed very poorly.

Especially the last five, after feeding the elixirs to their patients, the condition of the patients even deteriorated seriously, almost threatening their lives, and it was the elixir of the Yunlin clan who came out to rescue them.

However, it is no wonder that the last few patients were selected by others, and they should be the most difficult to treat. In addition, they are at the bottom of the level, so it is strange that they can be cured well.

A few more later, the performance is also quite poor.

Not even one of the thirty pharmacists in a row could revive the patient.

It wasn't until the 31st that people began to be successfully treated one after another.

Among them, Elder Lu was included.

He's had pretty good luck.

In the first two rounds of competition, he ranked ninth, and when selecting patients, he also accidentally discovered a case that he had read in medical books before.

Although this disease is relatively rare, it is very simple to treat as long as the cause is known.

Elder Lu was overjoyed, and quickly assigned the patient.

This is definitely a very correct decision.

After Elder Lu went back, he looked up the medical book again, and at the same time refined a batch of holy-level pills according to the prescriptions recorded above.

After he fed these elixirs to the patient, the patient soon regained consciousness.

Seeing this scene, the warriors onlookers all exclaimed!

Even Li Yuntao on the high platform couldn't help standing up, and looked at him in surprise and joy.

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