Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3659 Amazing skills (3)

Because, so far, Elder Lu is the one with the most remarkable healing effect!

Although the treatment of three or four people had some effect before, it was nothing more than making the patient's fingers or eyelids move a little.

But Elder Lu's patient directly opened his eyes and made a small sound from his mouth!

This shows that the elixir he refined is extremely powerful, it is simply amazing!

Li Yuntao hurriedly sent two disciples down, and respectfully invited Elder Lu to a private seat beside him.

Li Qianyue, who was originally high-spirited, also bowed his head to Elder Lu this time. That polite and fawning attitude made Elder Lu feel very comfortable!

This is the treatment worthy of a genius doctor like him!

What is Liu Buyan, that brat?

Now, Elder Lu is the genius doctor valued by the Yunlin Clan, and he is the guest of Elder Tao. After Liu Buyan and others have made a fool of himself, he will let Li Yuntao kick out that brat who is trying to gain fame!

While thinking about it, Elder Lu looked at Liu Buyan.

Liu Buyan was wearing a silver-white elixir master's robe, leaning halfway on the back of the chair, resting his chin on one hand, his eyes were slightly cold, and he glanced at the elixir masters in the venue.

With his lazy and calm attitude, it seems that he is not in such a critical competition at all, but drinking tea and enjoying flowers in his backyard.

Except for him, the other pharmacists were anxious and nervous, which made Liu Buyan's attitude look particularly eye-catching.

Elder Lu stared at him with hatred in his heart!

This brat's appearance is really good, so he pretends to be like that, giving people the illusion that he is an expert.

It's a pity that what is fake will never be true!

He wanted to see how Liu Buyan would step down after picking such a patient who was the most difficult to diagnose and treat!

After Elder Lu, there are not many elixir masters left.

Moreover, they are all top existences among holy pharmacists.

Therefore, the success rate of diagnosis and treatment has also been significantly improved.

Among the seven people, five people succeeded in resuscitating their own patients, and two of them had the same performance as Elder Lu, making the patients open their eyes directly.

Li Shihong and others saw it on the high platform, and they all showed joy on their faces, and nodded repeatedly.

They all felt that they made the right decision this time, and they actually singled out so many pharmacists who have researched on this symptom at once!

Now, the only one who has not had time to make a move is Liu Buyan.

Everyone's eyes were once again focused on him.

"Miraculous Doctor Liu, are you ready? If you are, then please act!" Li Yuntao looked at Liu Buyan and urged him personally.

Only then did Liu Buyan put down the teacup in his hand, stood up slowly, and walked to the stretcher of patient No. 23.

He took out an exquisite Jun porcelain medicine bottle from his sleeve, and poured out a few pills from it.

Elder Lu kept his eyes fixed on Liu Buyan, not even daring to blink, for fear of missing any details.

Therefore, he could see very clearly that what Liu Buyan poured out of the medicine bottle was clearly a few Jingxuan Pills!

The fineness of those elixirs was very good, obviously the refining was very successful, but that can't change, this is just the fact of heaven-level elixirs!

Liu Buyan actually wanted to cure such intractable diseases with heavenly elixir?

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