Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3662 Amazing skills (6)

Seeing Liu Buyan's confident appearance, he must be particularly particular about his acupuncture techniques.

As a pharmacist, who wouldn't want to see it?

It's a pity that the Yunlin clan not only moved the screen to block Liu Buyan and patient No. 23, but also sent several warriors to guard nearby, so no one could see anything inside.

Elder Lu stared at the patterns on the screen, frowning.

"This kid can actually cross acupuncture points with golden needles! If he can cure such a disease with acupuncture, then he is not ordinary! No, it's impossible! He's just an earth-level pharmacist, so it's impossible for him to have such a means ! Moreover, if he is really a disciple of some kind of genius doctor, he would have declared his family name when he came to the Temple of Heaven, how could he not say so until now?"

Although he found various reasons for himself in his heart and fought for a long time, he was still uneasy.

Inside the screen, there was no sound at all.

What is Liu Buyan doing?

In fact, Liu Buyan was indeed administering needles to Patient No. 23, but everyone guessed wrong, the key to curing the disease was not his technique, but... the set of gold needles in his hand!

It was refined by Huang Yueli during these three days and three nights, without sleep or rest, exhausting all her energy!

This set of gold needles was infused with the evil spirit that had already been refined in Huang Yueli's body.

Evil qi has the effect of attracting each other, and the weaker evil qi will spontaneously move towards the stronger side.

And the No. 23 martial artist in front of him is just a heaven-level talent, and his soul is not particularly powerful. He absorbed a lot of evil spirits, but he didn't go crazy immediately, but fell into a coma. This already shows that he The evil energy in the body itself is not very strong.

At least, it is impossible to compare with those in Huang Yueli and Li Moying's bodies.

Therefore, if Huang Yueli came here in person, all the evil energy in No. 23's body could be drawn out in less than three breaths.

Now, due to the restrictions of the competition rules, Huang Yueli couldn't be present in person, so she came up with this method, refined a set of golden needles, and poured her own evil energy into it to absorb the evil energy in No. 23's dantian.

Liu Buyan originally did not believe that Huang Yueli could refine such a thing.

Even though he had witnessed Huang Yueli's magical refining technique countless times, what Huang Yueli was going to refine now was unheard of!

It is estimated that no such thing can be found in the entire God Realm!

It all depends on Huang Yueli's own thinking.

How could this be possible?

However, the two of them had no other better way, so they could only give it a try.

In the end, Huang Yueli actually made this set of gold needles!

Liu Buyan placed the jade box with seventy-two gold needles on the side of the stretcher, and gently brushed the needles with his fingers.

Immediately, he flipped his wrist, grabbed a golden needle, and stabbed it on No. 23's forehead!

Since No. 23 was in a deep coma, he didn't respond to the injection.

However, Liu Buyan, who was in charge of doing it, could clearly feel that when the needle tip entered the opponent's body, a cold aura rose from the needle point!

Liu Buyan shook his hand, and quickly released the tail of the golden needle. At the same time, the muscles on his face twitched uncontrollably.

It turned out that it was... evil spirit!

that feeling...

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