Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3663 Amazing skills (7)

Even though he had the gloves Huang Yueli gave him to protect his body, he let go very quickly, and he didn't let any trace of evil enter his body.

However, when he was approached by that cold breath, he still clearly felt dizzy and nauseated, and his body also had a faint chill.

"This is really... too evil!"

Liu Buyan shuddered all over, and immediately cheered up.

Realizing the weirdness of the evil spirit, he didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, and became extra cautious when applying the needles.

He inserted the golden needles into various acupuncture points on No. 23's body one by one. The technique was fast and accurate, and the time of contact with the golden needles was minimized as much as possible.

In fact, what he told Li Yuntao and others were not completely false.

Although he could never find a second set of gold needles in his hand, the technique he used to operate the needles was a technique passed down from generation to generation by the Baize clan, and he obtained it in the inheritance secret realm of the Baize clan.

This set of acupuncture methods is indeed used to increase the potency of the elixir and speed up the circulation of profound energy in the meridians.

If not, Liu Buyan would not have dared to give needles to people on such occasions based on the superficial knowledge of Jinzhendu acupoints that Liu Buyan had learned when he was in Tianling Continent.

Liu Buyan administered the needle behind the screen, while the others waited outside, all more excited and nervous than him.

Even Li Yuntao and the others stared at the screen closely, not even daring to take a breath, for fear of missing something.

After all, this No. 23 is the one whose illness is closest to Li Moying's!

If Liu Buyan really has the ability to wake up No. 23, then there is a great possibility that he can wake up Li Moying!

However, half an hour passed, and there was still no sound behind the screen.

Li Yuntao frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, although it was indeed time-consuming for the elixir master Jinzhen to cross the acupoints, but it seems that there is no movement at all, it doesn't seem to be a normal thing, right?

"Qianyue, go ask..."

Li Yuntao raised his hand to call Li Qianyue, and was about to tell him a few words.

At this moment, a cry of pain suddenly came from behind the screen!

There was something creepy about the mix of pain, horror, and shock in this call.

However, after Li Yuntao and the others heard it, their faces quickly revealed expressions of ecstasy!

"What's the situation? Qianyue, hurry up and see if Mr. Liu has woken up the person?"

Li Qianyue nodded hurriedly, but before he could turn around, Li Yuntao suddenly stood up from his seat again, "Wait, I'd better go over and ask myself..."

However, even Li Yuntao's movements were a step slower!

Li Shihong, who was sitting on the main seat, didn't say a word, but he stood up impatiently, and appeared in front of the screen with a flash.

The guards on the side were taken aback and didn't react immediately.

No one expected that the patriarch, who is usually aloof, would appear in front of them so suddenly and so eagerly!

Li Shihong was about to rush in, but the moment he walked in front of the screen, his feet suddenly stopped.

"Miraculous doctor Liu, I'm Li Shihong. I heard your cry just now. Is patient No. 23 already awake? If you finish the injection, can I come in and have a look?"

When everyone heard this, a sense of disobedience emerged in their hearts.

This is the patriarch of the ancient gods!

To be so polite to such a young elixir master, even a little cautious!

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