Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3664 Amazing skills (8)

Li Yuntao and the others were shocked when they saw the performance of the patriarch.

But soon, they came back to their senses, trotted and followed, and came behind Li Shihong.

"Master Patriarch, why do you come here in person? Let your subordinates..." Li Yuntao persuaded in a low voice.

Li Shihong didn't answer, but turned his head and glared at him, making Li Yuntao shut up.

The others naturally didn't dare to speak out, they could only line up behind Li Shihong, waiting for Liu Buyan behind the screen to show up together.

For a while, there was no sound in the entire arena. Everyone held their breath and looked at the row of Yunlin clan elders.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would have thought that they would see such a scene!

The patriarchs and elders of the dignified ancient gods would welcome a young pharmacist with such a respectful attitude.

However, the sound behind the screen suddenly stopped again, and after a while, some slight sounds came out.

Immediately, there was a sound of footsteps.

Li Shihong and the others raised their heads and looked in the direction of the screen expectantly.

The screen was pushed away from the edge, and a figure stepped out from inside.

Li Shihong walked up to meet him quickly, and said happily: "Master Liu, you have really worked hard this time! I didn't expect your medical skills to be so good..."

Halfway through his speech, his voice stopped abruptly, his eyes widened, and he stared blankly at the person in front of him.

And the person who came out was also staring at Li Shihong in a daze, with a confused expression on his face, completely unable to understand what happened.

"Huh? Isn't this Li Patriarch? Why did you come here in person? You are too polite!" At this moment, Liu Buyan's lazy voice came from the screen.

He walked out slowly, saw Li Shihong staring at the man just now, couldn't help but smiled, and said: "Mr. Pei, this is the Li patriarch of the Yunlin clan. If he hadn't asked you to Come on, recruit genius doctors from all over the world to treat you, and it is impossible for me to run into you."

When Mr. Pei heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly bowed his hands to Li Shihong, and at the same time bowed and said: "Elder Li, I am Pei Qinghe, a member of the Fanyu clan, thank you for your life-saving grace and Mr. Liu. If the junior is useful, the junior will definitely do his best to repay it!"

After hearing this, Li Shihong recognized the person all of a sudden!

Isn't the Pei Qinghe in front of him the patient No. 23?

More than half an hour ago, he was still lying on a stretcher dying, unable to move a single finger. Even his family members thought he was hopeless!

But now?

He actually... has already stood up!

Moreover, judging by his appearance, his actions are as usual, his breathing is steady, and there is nothing abnormal except that he looks obviously weak...

Behind Li Shihong, whether it was Li Yuntao and other elders, or other participating pharmacists, they all recognized Pei Qinghe's identity at this time.

Moreover, the expressions on their faces were exactly the same as Li Shihong's.

In addition to shock, still shock!

Some people even raised their hands subconsciously to touch their chin, for fear that it would be lost if it fell to the ground!

Liu Buyan actually woke up the most intractable number 23!

No, no, it's more than just being rescued!

It is alive and kicking!

How could there be such a miraculous medical skill in the world?

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