Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The first chapter evil melon seed shell 3669 (1)

And she had gone back to the inn a long time ago to change her clothes, and now she was wearing a crimson red dress instead of a light purple dress!

Even on her face, she deliberately put on a little more rouge, which looked quite different from the portrait.

This is the only way to find people who have ghosts!

However, seeing that it was getting late, she thought about it, and she didn't plan to continue watching a good show here all night.

Seeing Li Yuntao's misfortune is indeed very happy, but her husband is still waiting for her to save him! This is a top priority that cannot be delayed!

Huang Yueli casually dumped the shells of the melon seeds that were left over when she cracked the melon seeds just now——


"Damn it! Where did the melon seed shell come from?"

"Don't you want to live? How dare you throw melon seeds on top of the Yunlin clan??"

"Who did it? Get out of here!"

Everyone in the restaurant looked at Huang Yueli with sympathy, thinking that this girl must be in trouble!

In this Chongzi City, no one can offend the Yunlin Clan if they offend anyone! Usually no one dared to speak loudly when talking to members of the Yunlin clan, but now this girl poured a whole pot of melon seed husks on their heads!

Moreover, he was so desperate that he fell on top of the elder Li Yuntao!

It seems that she will never see the sun tomorrow!

"Did you hear that? Get out of here! Otherwise, everyone in the teahouse will sit together!"

Hearing the noise from downstairs, the faces of other guests were also a bit ugly, and someone couldn't help but urged: "Girl, we all saw the melon seed shell you threw just now, please go down now." ! This kind of thing, even if you want to deny it, you can't deny it..."

After Huang Yueli finished her last sip of tea, she put down her cup and glanced at this person lightly.

"Go down, go down, when did I say I can't go down?"

As she said that, she stood up, stretched lazily under the eager and anxious eyes of everyone, and then walked towards the first floor without haste.

Downstairs, Li Yuntao was full of anger, with his hands back, in a very awkward posture, he was picking out the broken melon seeds that had fallen into his collar.

Tangtang, an elder of the ancient god clan, had melon seed husks sprinkled on his head, not to mention how embarrassing he was, his first reaction was to quickly remove the melon seed husks from his hair and collar.

However, melon seed shells are small things in the first place, the more anxious they were to get rid of them, the more they fell into the collar and fell directly into Li Yuntao's clothes.

On the melon seed shell, there was a handful of itching powder that Huang Yueli casually sprinkled in, which immediately caused a large red and itchy rash on Li Yuntao's back.

This time, it was really enough for Li Yuntao, he wanted to scratch his back, but he couldn't make it too ugly because of his identity, and the melon seed shells inside his clothes kept falling. When it fell off, all the rubbed skin developed red rashes, and the situation became more and more serious.

Li Yuntao stretched out his hands for a while, and bent down again for a while, scratching his ears and cheeks, and tangled up to the extreme, as if he had a convulsion.

"Master, what are you... what's wrong?"

Li Qianyue saw this scene from a distance, and walked forward quickly, wanting to help, but didn't know where to start.

Moreover, Li Yuntao's current state is really too weird, as if he has been possessed by an evil spirit!

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