Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The first chapter evil melon seed shell 3670 (2)

Li Qianyue wasn't sure what happened to him, so he didn't dare to approach him.

Li Yuntao saw that he still dared to back away, and shouted angrily: "Didn't you see that thing with no eyes just poured the melon seed shells on my head? Why don't you hurry up and help me get those damned melon seed shells out of the way?" come out!"

"Huh? But..."

Li Qianyue hesitated at first, because he really couldn't figure out how to get those melon seed shells the size of fingernails out? So much has fallen into the clothes behind Li Yuntao, unless he took off his clothes on the spot, otherwise, how could it be possible to get out?

However, seeing Li Yuntao's expression that he was about to explode on the spot, he really didn't dare to speak out what was in his heart, so he could only nod his head submissively and said, "Yes... yes! This disciple will immediately find a way, find a way..."

Li Qianyue hurriedly ran behind Li Yuntao.

Li Yuntao didn't like the others, so he roared angrily, "What are you all standing there for? Why don't you go and catch that littering guy!"

The young warriors of the Yunlin tribe were already stunned by the sudden change, but at this moment they suddenly came back to their senses, turned around quickly and wanted to rush up the teahouse.

At this moment, a figure walked down the stairs slowly, holding onto the stairs.

"Everyone, are you looking for me?" came the girl's smiling voice.

When everyone looked up, they were all slightly taken aback.

Although Huang Yueli deliberately changed her disguise, the change was not large, and she had no intention of continuing to act ugly, so at this time she still looked like an exceptional beauty.

The young warriors were overwhelmed by her beauty, and didn't realize for a while that she was the culprit that caused Li Yuntao to jump!

However, Li Yuntao was not in the mood to admire any beauties.

Now he was so itchy that he almost couldn't control himself, and he was about to tear the clothes on his back.

At the same time, he can't wait to tear the people who throw melon seed shells into pieces!

Seeing a person coming down from upstairs, he didn't even see the other person's face clearly, so he pointed at her and shouted angrily: "Hurry up and take down that thing that doesn't have eyes!"

When the young warriors heard the words, none of them obeyed immediately, but looked at the people around them hesitantly.

Such a beautiful girl really doesn't look like a litterer!

Elder Tao couldn't have made a mistake, right?

"What are you still doing in a daze? I searched all day today but couldn't find anyone, and now I'm asking you to catch a little bastard, but you can't do it? What's the use of you bastards?"

Seeing that they were not moving, Li Yuntao became even more annoyed!

The warriors had no choice but to go to Huang Yueli's side, but seeing such a delicate beauty, none of them had the heart to be rough on her, but said very politely: "Girl, someone threw a pot of melon seeds upstairs just now. When the shell comes off, do you see who lost it?"

Huang Yueli smiled slightly and said, "I saw it!"

The warriors' eyes lit up, and they hurriedly asked: "Did you see it? Then you should quickly identify the person! Our elders are very angry this time! This kid is going to be in trouble!"

Everyone stared at Huang Yueli, waiting for her to identify the murderer.

They just said, how could the beauty in front of me do such a bad thing?

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